Advanced Classics
AWS3003 | Ancient History: The Greeks and their Neighbours (A) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
Survey ancient Greece from the Bronze Age to the end of Greek hegemony in the Mediterranean world. Examine the Trojan War and Mycenaean palaces, the origins of the world's first democracy, the Persian Wars, Pericles and the Athenian Golden Age, the clash of Athens and Sparta, the conquests of Alexander the Great. Analyse ancient texts to discover how the Greeks interacted with and were influenced by their neighbours the Egyptians, Achaemenid Persians, Thracians, and Carthaginians. |
AWS3033 | Ancient History: The Romans and their Neighbours (A) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
Survey ancient Rome from its foundation to the fall of the western Empire. Explore Rome's mythological founding by Romulus and Remus, the age of kings and the rise of the Republic, expansion and rule in the Mediterranean, the violent transition from Republic to Empire, the Pax Romana, and the Christianization of the Roman world in the time of Constantine. Discover how Romans interacted with and were influenced by their neighbours the Carthaginians, Greeks, Gauls, and Sassanid Persians. NOTE: Credit cannot be counted for both AWS 3033 and AWS 3043. |
AWS3043 | The Ancient Near East (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
AWS3023 | Alexander and Cleopatra (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
AWS3103 | Archaeology and the Bible (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
AWS3313 | Field School in Ancient Mediterranean Archaeology (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
This course is an introduction to archaeological field techniques through participation in a field research project in the Classical lands. It introduces students to survey methods, excavation techniques, documentation/recording of field procedures, recovery of artifacts, and their preparation for storage. |
AWS3333 | From Kingship to Democracy: The Art and Archaeology of Greece (A) | 3 ch (3C) (W) (EL) |
From prehistoric settlement to the great city states and from the monumental works and 'masterpieces' of art to the humble tomb and domestic pot, this course presents the material remains of a culture which continues to inspire artists, architects, engineers and city planners worldwide. The material is examined within a political, religious, and social context with the aid of historical documents, anthropological studies, and modern science. Topics include the contributions of eastern Mediterranean cultures (Egypt, Phoenicia, etc.), the development of the architectural orders (Doric, Ionic) and free-standing male and female sculpture, the ancient theatre, and the development of democracy as interpreted through the archaeological record are just some of the topics covered. Credit cannot be counted for both CLAS 2303 and AWS 3333. |
AWS3353 | Archaeology of Babylon (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
AWS3373 | Pompeii and Herculaneum (A) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
Buried by volcanic eruption in 79 CE, Pompeii and Herculaneum are our richest source of evidence for daily life in the Roman Empire, from public buildings to private houses, from temples to taverns to brothels, from city streets to tombs, from sculpture and paintings to graffiti and bones. By studying the archaeological remains of these cities, students learn about ancient Roman city structure, class and gender relations, political life, religious observances, hard work, and spectacular entertainment. |
AWS3403 | The Comic Theatre of Greece and Rome (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) (EL) |
The development of comedy from the kômos in Greece; the reading, in English translation, of an Old Comedy by Aristophanes, a satyr-play by Euripides and a New Comedy by Menander; the development of comedy in Rome through the reading of plays by Plautus and Terence. The history of the theatre, its changing structure, conventions, the production of plays and their performance and the festivals at which they were performed. |
AWS3413 | The Tragic Theatre of Greece and Rome (A) | 3 ch (3C) (W) (EL) |
The history of the Theatre of Dionysus in Athens and a survey of the origins of Greek tragedy; the reading in English translation of a representative sample of the plays of Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides; the dramatic festivals at which they were performed, the production and performance of the plays, the dramatic conventions. The role of the serious theatre in Rome; a tragedy of Seneca, in English translation, is read. |
AWS3423 | Gilgamesh (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
AWS3433 | The Ancient World on Film (A) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
The course aims to help students understand and enjoy the reception of Greek and Roman civilization in Hollywood and European films. History will be studied via cinematic versions (such as Troy, Alexander, Spartacus, Life of Brian, Fellini’s Satyricon, Gladiator, etc.) and Greek and Latin literature in translation. Attention will be given to the ways in which filmmakers adapt historical subjects and how classical literature is recast as films, offering an exciting commentary on our relationship with our classical heritage. By introducing students to some of the literature and films about the ancient Greek and Roman worlds, it will encourage them to address questions of how they shape our views about the past. The focus will be on analyzing and discussing literature, film, and culture within a historical context. |
AWS3503 | The Greek Gods and Their Cults (A) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
The Greek myths of creation and the Greek gods and their mythology. The historical origins of the gods, the development of Greek religion from pre-historic times. Parallels are adduced from Middle Eastern mythologies. Major Greek religious sites are illustrated. |
AWS3513 | The Trojan War: Myth and History (A) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
Fought over the theft of a woman, the Trojan War has been a part of popular culture for 3000 years. It has been told and retold by poets since Homer, depicted in the arts of ancient Greece through the Middle Ages and Renaissance into modern times, sparked the romantic imaginations of early archaeologists, and most recently been interpreted on the screen in films such as Unforgiven and Troy. This course will explore the Trojan War through literature, historical texts, archaeology, the visual arts, drama and film. |
AWS3523 | The Mythology and Religion of the Romans (A) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
A study of the legends surrounding the foundation and growth of early Rome and of the Italian gods. Roman religion is studied under such headings as prayer, sacrifice, divination, the religious year and calendar, priests and emperor-worship. [Not open to students who received credit for CLAS 4023 .] |
AWS3573 | Ancient Mediterranean Art (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
AWS3583 | Ancient Mediterranean Warfare (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
AWS3603 | The Archaeology of Athens (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
This course traces the birth, development, and eventual decline of one of the most important city states of Greek antiquity: Athens and its environs. By exploring the archaeological and written records, students work towards an understanding of the topography and monuments of the area from the Bronze Age to Late Antiquity. |
AWS3623 | Remembering War in Ancient Greece (O) | 3 ch (W) (EL) |
AWS3633 | The Archaeology of Ancient Mediterranean Colonialism (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
AWS3703 | Socrates and the Intellectual World of Classical Athens (O) | 3 ch (3C/S) (W) |
Examines the central intellectual, political, religious and social controversies of the Golden Age of Greece (450-350 BC), by focusing on Socrates in conflict with the citizens of Athens, the writers of comic theatre, and the new professional teachers, the “Sophists.” |
AWS3723 | Ancient Science (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
Explore the history of scientific thought in ancient civilizations from Greece and Rome to Mesopotamia and Egypt (and beyond). Recognize the remarkable insight these early thinkers had into the world around them. Experiment with ancient procedures and methods of science and math from primary source texts. |
AWS3733 | Ancient Philosophers (A) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
A survey of the various forms of philosophical literature produced in the classical civilizations of Greece and Rome. |
AWS3885 | Ancient Greek Literature and its Legacies in English (O) (Cross-listed: ENGL 3885) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
AWS3886 | Roman Literature and its Legacies in English (O) (Cross-listed: ENGL 2886) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
AWS3903 | Ancient Drama (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
AWS3913 | Gender and Power in the Ancient Mediterranean (Cross-listed: GWS 3913) (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
Investigate gendered social norms and taboos that shaped public and private life in the ancient world. Analyse modern theoretical writings and ancient sources to investigate ideals of femininity and masculinity in mythology and public ritual; the gendering of public and private space; licit and illicit sexual practices; love, marriage, adultery and prostitution; and gendered narratives of good and bad politicians, emperors, and those perceived to be "barbarians." NOTE: Credit cannot be counted for both AWS 3913 and GWS 3913. |
AWS3923 | Ancient Law (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
Delve into the laws of the ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern worlds and discover what they reveal about the structure of ancient societies. Examine texts and inscriptions including the Code of Hammurabi, the Hebrew Torah, court speeches from democratic Athens, and the Roman legal codices. Consider the legacy of ancient law codes on contemporary legal systems and concepts of crime, punishment, and justice.
AWS3933 | Golden Ages of the Ancient Mediterranean (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
AWS3943 | Ancient Spectacle (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
CLAS3953 | Race and Racism in the Ancient World (O) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
AWS4063 | Caesar Augustus: Architect of the Roman Empire (A) | 3 ch (3C) (W) |
A seminar dealing with the controversial career of Caesar Augustus, from his unexpected rise to power to his establishment of the Imperial system of government at Rome, through systematic analysis of the primary sources, using the Res Gestae, Augustus' own public statement of his achievements, as a starting point. Prerequisite: 60 ch, or permission of the instructor. |
AWS4603 | The Archaeology of Athens (O) | 3 ch (3S) (W) |
AWS4613 | The Archaeology of Rome (O) | 3 ch (3S) (W) |
AWS5003 | Directed Studies in Classics | 3 ch (3C) (W) (EL) |
A detailed study of a specific area of Classical Studies. Uses primary sources (in translation) to illuminate the chosen topic. Prerequisite: Permission of the instructor. |
AWS5100 | Research in Ancient World Studies | 6 ch (6S) (W) |
AWS5103 | Ancient World, Modern Issues (O) | 3 ch (3S) (W) |