

This is an introductory level course in human physiology. Selected topics covered include metabolism, muscle and bone physiology, the immune system, healing and homeostasis. Biology honours, majors and minors cannot count this course as a Biology Credit, only as an elective. Credit will be given for only one of BIOL 2761, 2769, or 2721.

 Prerequisites: BIOL 1001 , 10091006

BIOL2761Human Physiology - Metabolism3 ch (3C)

This is an introductory level course in human physiology. Selected topics covered include metabolism, muscle and bone physiology, the immune system, healing and homeostasis. Biology honours, majors and minors cannot count this course as a Biology Credit, only as an elective. Credit will be given for only one of BIOL 2761, 2769, or 2721.

 Prerequisites: BIOL 1001 , 10091006