

Introduces students to the study of the disruption of the normal balance of selected systems of the human body by disease and other perturbations. Limited enrollment. Nursing students and BMLS students have first priority; others need permission of the instructor. Biology honours, majors and minors cannot count this course as a Biology Credit, only as an elective. 

 Prerequisite: BIOL 1782 or 1789. Credit will not be given for BIOL 2501 and 2509.

BIOL2501Pathophysiology I3 ch (3C) (LE)

Introduces students to the study of the disruption of the normal balance of selected systems of the human body by disease and other perturbations. Limited enrollment. Nursing students and BMLS students have first priority; others need permission of the instructor. Biology honours, majors and minors cannot count this course as a Biology Credit, only as an elective. 

 Prerequisite: BIOL 1782 or 1789. Credit will not be given for BIOL 2501 and 2509.