Chemical Engineering

CHE6234Process Design and Simulation3 ch (2C 2L)
Application of numerical techniques to the solution of physical problems associated with process units used in the chemical industry. Use of the modular approach to design chemical processes. Use of PROCESS or other schemes to evaluate various process alternatives.

CHE6235Oil and Gas Processing3 ch
This course presents an introduction of the physical, chemical, and engineering principles used in the processing of oil and natural gas to consumer products. Common processed flow diagrams, basic designs, environmental aspects relevant to oil refining and natural gas processing are covered along the course.
CHE6244Enhanced oil Recovery3 ch
Throughout the course, the students will develop an understanding of the basic principles involved in Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR) processes. The overall understanding of this discipline would allow Chemical Engineering students to fit their engineering abilities and skills within the various areas of the oil and gas industry.
CHE6264Oil Sands Technology3 ch
This course covers the fundamental principles of Canadian Oil Sands production. Topics include: bitumen and rock properties, types of oil sand accumulations, oil sands mining, bitumen extraction and separation, bitumen upgrading for production of synthetic oil, production of in-situ oil sands, and description of the different processes for in-situ sands production currently applied or under evaluation.
CHE6274Re-Engineering Waste – A Chemical Engineering Approach3 ch

Comprehensive review of current and emerging chemical processes applied for the conversion (i.e. recycling and reclamation) of the following waste materials: tires, metals, plastics, paper, and fabric into reusable raw material sources for the production of valuable products.  Prerequisites: None

CHE6313Energy and Environment3 ch
This course explores the generation and use of energy from the extraction of raw materials through to product production. It includes a survey of known material reserves and emerging technologies, and a discussion on the thermodynamic and regulatory constraints to energy conversion. Fossil fuels, nuclear power and renewable energy sources are discussed in details including the environmental factors associated with the mining, conversion and end products from each technology.
CHE6314Air Pollution Control3 ch (3C)
Sources of air pollution; modeling atmospheric dispersions; pollution control in combustion; particulate control methods; control of gaseous emissions; industrial odour control; indoor/in-plant air quality. Prerequisite: CHE 3314. Co-requisite: CHE 4341.
CHE6402Preliminary Project Report and Presentation (MEng Only)6 ch
This is a new course offered by an individual faculty member of Chemical Engineering to replace the previous course CHE 6996 MEng Report. The proposed course includes or industry project, and requires a final report and presentation.
CHE6414Chemical Process Industries 6414
A technical overview of selected chemical industries with consideration of their impact on the environment. Emphasis is on current process technology and pollution control methods. Enviromental guidelines and regulations are also presented. Five modules, each covering a specific chemical industry, taught by Chemical Engineering faculty. 
CHE6416Bioseperations Science and Engineering3 ch
The first part of the course will provide basic information on biochemistry (small biomolecules and macromolecules) and engineering analysis, such as analysis of biological activity and purity. The second part will cover a number of seperation techniques, such as extraction, crystallization and drying in a more general way. This emphasis in this part of the course will be on liquid chromatography and absorption.
CHE6417Polymer Materials in Reaction Engineering3 ch
Development of polymer - based advanced materials and review of polymerization approaches and polymer characterization. Star, hyperbranched or dendrimer polymers and hydrogels. Environment - stimuli or smart polymers and micro-or nano capsules for pharmaceutical applications. Water-soluble polymers and biopolymers for papermaking. Synthetic polymers for artificial organs. Conventional and atomic transfer free-radical (ATRP) polymerizations.
CHE6418Catalytic Reaction Engineering3 ch
The objectives of this course are: (1) to understand basic concepts related to chemical reaction kinetics and reactor; (2) to learn mathematical modeling chemical reactors; (3) to be acquainted with numerical methods for solving chemical reaction equations; (4) to learn heterogeneous catalysis and (5) Non-ideal Flow and Residence Time Distributions.
CHE6423Practice School2 ch [W]
A two week industrial practice school in selected industrial process plants scheduled after spring examinations. Groups of students, with Faculty supervisors, are assigned to engineering projects to be carried out on industrial process units. Students are required to present an oral report to plant operating and technical personnel at the end of the practice session. A written report is also required. As there will be practical limitations to the number of students in any one practice school, application for positions in this course will be treated on a first-come, first-served basis. This course is strongly recommended as a technical elective for students not planning to complete either the co-op or professional experience programs. Prerequisites: CHE 2004, CHE 2412.
CHE6434Transport Phenomena 3 ch
Advanced heat, mass, and momentum transfer. One dimensional, penetration theory and simple convection. Correlations and dimensionless groups. Fluid mechanics, including non-Newtonian and multiphase systems. Derivation of differential and partial differential transport equiations. 
CHE6501Special Topics in Chemical Engineering1 ch
Course Desc
CHE6502Special Topics in Chemical Engineering1 ch
Course Desc
CHE6503Nanotechnology3 ch
Studies the science of nanotechnology and surveys current and emerging applications of nanomaterials and nanodevices in many engineering disciplines. The unique physical properties of materials at the nanometer scale are are discussed and explained. Fabrication methods and advanced instrumentation for the construction , manipulation and viewing of nanometer-sized materials are presented.
CHE6511Introduction to Research Methodology3 ch
This course consists of several sessions which cover writing a proposal, designing experiments, conducting research work, writing a thesis, and making an oral presentation. At the end of the course, each student is asked to write a research proposal and present it to the class.
CHE6515Advanced Surface Characterization3 ch
This course covers the basic principles and practical aspects of several advanced surface analysis techniques which include (i) X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS or ESCA), (ii) secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS), (iii) confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM), (iv) atomic force microscopy (AFM), and (v) scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Demonstrations will be given on most of these facilities. Students will propose a research method for tackling their interested problems by using one or two surface analysis techniques they have learned from this course.
CHE6522Nanoparticle Engineering3 ch
A course that covers the micro-structural features, synthesis and a variety of applications of nanoparticles, which contain grains or clusters below 100 nm, or layers or filaments of that dimension.
CHE6535Al in Process Systems Engineering3 ch

This survey course introduces the application of artificial intelligence (Al) to chemical engineering process systems, via a series of topical lectures and industrial case studies. The current state of the field is examined, starting from basic Al concepts and simple applications such as property prediction. Worked industrial case studies include water treatment, pyrolysis, and cooling systems. More advanced topics are surveyed, including neural networks, fault diagnosis, and Al modelling.

CHE6601Special Topics in Chemical Engineering1 - 6 ch
Studies based on specialized areas of research or other advanced topics. The material covered represents special areas of expertise that are not currently offered through a regular graduate course. In the case of thesis degrees, this course cannot normally be delivered by student's thesis supervisor. Academic supervision must be provided by a faculty member in Chemical Engineering to qualify for credit. A maximum of 6ch of credit in ChE 6601/6611 can be applied towards a degree
CHE6611Directed Learning in Chemical Engineering3 or 6 ch
Experiential learning and/or training outside of a thesis project. May include training with or experience on equipment in an off-site lab or industry that is not an integral part of a thesis project. Academic supervision must be provided by a faculty member in Chemical Engineering to qualify for credit. A maximum of 6ch of credit in ChE 6601/6611 can be applied towards a degree.
CHE6714Electrochemical Engineering3 ch
Reviews the basis of electrochemical science; Ionics and Electrodics. Thermodynamics and kinectics of electrochemical systems are explored and used to describe the operation of several industrially important electrochemical processes. Chlor-alkali, Electrowinning; Electroplating and Corrosion.
CHE6744Steam Supply Systems3 ch

The course begins with a historical and descriptive introduction to boiler systems. Development and configurations of different boiler systems are described including fossil, co-generation/HRSG and nuclear reactors. Complex Rankine cycles are evaluated as well as calculation of steam plant efficiencies through Energy and Exergy analysis. Chemical treatments for various systems to mitigate and prevent corrosion are described. The course requires background in thermodynamics and fluid mechanics. Prerequisites: CHE 2012 and CHE 2703 or equivalents. 


Course Desc
CHE6804Nuclear Chemical Processes3 ch
The chemistry and properties of actinides including uranium, thorium, and plutonium and zirconium are described. Ore extraction processes and conversion for uranium fuel production and reprocessing are highlighted as well as isotope separation processes including deuterium separation. Reactor coolant chemistry specifications and chemical control systems are explained. Pre-requisites: CHEM 1982; CHE 20 I 2; CHE 2703.
CHE6808Reactor Chemistry and Corrosion3 ch

Introduction to the thermodynamics and electrochemical kinetics of aqueous corrosion processes with particular emphasis on their prevalence and impacts in nuclear power plant systems. Pourbaix diagrams, Evans diagrams and the eight forms of corrosion are discussed in detail followed by descriptions of the major conventional nuclear reactor systems, their materials and methods for chemistry control for corrosion protection.

CHE6824Corrosion Processes3 ch
Introduction: corrosion and its costs, corrosion measurement, general materials and environment affects. Types of corrosion: uniform, galvanic, crevice, pitting, intergranular, selective leaching, erosion-corrosion, stress-corrosion, hydrogen effects. Corrosion testing: materials selection. Electrochemical principles: thermodynamics, electrode kinetics, mixed potentials, practical applications. High temperature corrosion. Nuclear plant corrosion, fossil plant corrosion, other industrial environments.
CHE6834Nuclear Engineering3 ch
Radio-active decay, fission energy, nuclear interactions, neutron scattering and absorption. Neutron diffusion elementary reactor theory, four and six factor formulae, neutron flux variation. Reactor kinetics, source multiplication, decay heat, reactor start-up and shut down. Fuel burn up, fission product poisoning, refuelling. Temperature and void effects on reactivity, reactor control. Fuel handling and waste disposal. 
CHE6844Nuclear Safety and Reliability 3 ch
The course explores the philosophy of safety design and operation of nuclear power reactors and the responsibilities for safe operation. Concepts such as the role and place of regulatory agencies, risk and quantitative risk assessment are developed as well as methods for calculation of the frequency and consequences of reactor accidents. Case studies of past reactor accidents, lessons learned, and their affects on future operation are emphasized.
CHE6855Nuclear Reactor Physics3 ch

Review of radioactivity. nuclear fission and fusion process. neutron scattering and absorption. Development of neutron flux equations, four and six-factor formula and their application in reactor design and operation including multi-group equations and relevant computer codes and simulations. Reactivity effects of temperature and coolant, approach to critical and reactor stability. Prerequisites: CHE 5834 and MATH 3503


CHE6913Pulp Production3 ch (3C)
Wood and chip requirements; overview of pulping processes; mechanism and variables in mechanical and chemimechanical pulping, general principles of chemical pulping, kraft cooking, sulphite cooking, extended and oxygen delignification, pulp washing, pulp bleaching, recovery of pulping chemicals.
CHE6923Papermaking3 ch
This course provides an overview of papermaking processes; pulp and paper properties; requirements for different grades of paper and board; stock preparation; secondary fibres and deinking process; applications of fluid mechanics; wet-end chemistry; dry-end operations; paper coating; special topics (literature review).
CHE6933Biorefining: Principles, Processes and Products3 ch (3C)
This course discusses various bio-refining processes, placing emphasis on fundamental process chemistry and biology in the conversion of biomass to engineered products. Pathways for the use of wood resources are described in detail; exemplary processes, such as gasification, pyrolysis, pre-extraction and bio-diesel production are discussed. Industrial fermentation, including sugar fermentation to produce ethanol, will be explored. The modeling concept for integrated pulp manufacturing and bio-refining will also be discussed.