Graduate students are expected to register and make arrangements to pay tuition and fees by the Wednesday of the third week of each term (at the latest). This is important to maintain active student status and retain all associated benefits (e.g., student health and dental benefits, email and library services, and valid visa status for international students).
Award payments (GRA/GAA) cannot be processed unless tuition has been paid in full, or authorization has been provided to deduct tuition and fees from this funding. Students requiring late course registrations, or who are withdrawn for failure to register by the deadline, are subject to a $25 graduate administration fee.
Registration is not complete until all fees have been paid or satisfactory arragements have been made with Financial Services. Students who fail to pay the required fees or to make a payment plan by the specificed dates will be charged a late fee of $75 and are at risk of having their IT access frozen and course selections cancelled. Such students will be required to register again once their fees have been paid.
There are several payment plans avaliable. Interest will be charged to overdue student accounts after ther payment deadline. Interest accrues at an annual rate of 12%, is based on the daily account balance and is applied to the student's account on a monthly basis.