Each year, groups of 5 to 10 students from the 4th year Management practicum course in both the Forestry and Environmental Naturual Resource management programs work with a real world client in what is known as their capstone project. In this course the students apply and enhance their technical knowledge, structured problem solving, teamwork, project management, and critical thinking abilities to transform a topic into a problem statement.
The student group, working as a team produce a meaningful, implementable, socially acceptable, and robust management plan for the client. They identify and develop clear goals and quantifiable objectives, collect social and site-specific field data, develop alternatives, analyze them, and transform them into management plans.
In 2021, presentations were held virtually on Microsoft Teams from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. both days, while one presentation was held from 7-8 p.m. on Wednesday April 14th. The entire schedule of events is available here.
Each team provided a Poster presentation of each Capstone project and those poster presentations are available for viewing.
Each group's poster presentation is timestamped below:
00:00 – Town of Oromocto Urban Forest Management Plan
05:21 – Department of National Defence Urban Forest Management Plan
10:00 - Oromocto First nations Urban Forest Management Plan
17:02 – Killarney Brook Management Plan
23:20 – Noonan Research Forest Management Plan
29:43 – Saint John River Muskellunge Sustainability
34:40 – Process of Creating a Protected Natural Area (Christmas Mountain region)
40:28 – Emerald Ash Borer & Riparian Management in Trout Creek
47:01 – Managing Non-Urban Wildlife in an Urbanizing Landscape.
56:16 – Indigenous Medicinal & Ceremonial Plants within the UNB Woodlot
Clients are varied across municipal, provincial and federal governments, ENGOs, private companies, First Nation groups, and other organizations to provide a broad range of experiences for fourth year students honing their skills in project management.
To learn more about each capstone project and to view the complete presentations visit the individual program topics: