Masters in Business Administration Courses
MBA6103 | Professional Development I | 3 ch |
MBA6104 | Professional Development II | 3 ch |
MBA6106 | Information Technology and E-Business | 3 ch |
MBA6107 | Strategic Management | 3 ch |
MBA6108 | Data Visualization | 3 ch |
Introduces the principles of graphic design and goes in depth into the study of data visualization through hands-on projects. The course is designed with business students in mind for whom Business Analytics is increasingly becoming an important skill. Data exploration and presentation are key components within that skillset and the focus of this course. The class is open to all graduate students. Advanced undergraduate students may receive permission from the instructor. |
MBA6109 | Strategic Analytics | 3 ch |
This course is an introduction to the strategic management of the analytics function in organizations, with a specific focus on data science and analytics teams in legacy organizations. It covers the role that analytics plays and the value it brings to organizations and discusses how organizations may design and optimize the analytics function by establishing a functional strategy and series of processes, supported by a management framework, well-organized analytics teams, and proper data governance. Students will also learn how companies have built and led data science teams in practice as well as how the field is anticipated to evolve over time. |
MBA6111 | Entrepreneurial Consulting | 3 ch |
MBA6112 | Student Consulting Group | 3 ch |
MBA6113 | Database Management | 3 ch |
MBA6114 | New Venture Creation and Entrepreneurship | 3 ch |
MBA6115 | Market Opportunity Analysis | 3 ch |
MBA6116 | Entrepreneurial Finance | 3 ch |
MBA6117 | Research Methods | 3 ch |
MBA6119 | Venture Development | 3 ch |
MBA6122 | International Business: Strategy | 3 ch |
MBA6133 | Management of Innovation and Technology | 3 ch |
MBA6134 | Managing Innovative Organizations | 3 ch |
A corporate culture of creativity supports innovation. Identify and remove barriers to creativity and innovation within an organization. Encourage teams that are effective, inspired, agile, able to learn, and develop creatively. Create an organizational culture that allows for and nurtures new ideas and their application. Know what cultivates innovative thinking and what sabotages it. Release your own creative thinking to be an innovative leader. |
MBA6153 | Corporate Governance and Law | 3 ch |
MBA6165 | Corporate Communications | 3 ch |
MBA6166 | Communicating Innovation and Change | 3 ch |
Innovation and change can feel like a crisis in an organization. Increase your interpersonal and organizational skills to influence and lead. Improve personal leadership and communication styles to connect better with co-workers, supervisors, clients, and other organization leaders. Practice how to communicate and lead during a period of crisis or change within an organization and externally in a wider context. Gain confidence and skills to enable innovation within an organization through effective communication strategies including business development plans and other written reports and documents. |
MBA6177 | New Product Development | 3 ch |
MBA6178 | Managing Innovative Engineering Projects | 3 ch |
Innovation is disruptive. Investigate examples of innovation management and explore the theories that drive a particular process. Critically evaluate management approaches. Examine the difficulties and successes in managing innovation including people management, organizational culture and change, problem definition, strategy, market dynamics, customer development, financing, ethics and legal issues, implementation and evaluation. Create your own innovation management strategies. |
MBA6179 | Managing in the Creative Economy | 3 ch |
MBA6188 | Venture Assessment | 6 ch |
This course focuses on the venture assessment process from the perspective of early stage investors. This is because the ventures they focus on are inherently risky, they epitomize the ambiguous information-constrained environment in which decisions must be made, and because such investors have developed frameworks aiding those decisions. The skills you learn will thus be valuable not merely within investment firms, but also in various other settings, such as in start-ups, large firms, or law, accounting, and banking firms, that seek to launch, evaluate, or support new initiatives. You will develop a skillset that will allow you to see value by mitigating the risks that others only see as barriers. |
MBA6193 | Topics in Administration | 3 ch |
MBA6203 | Accounting for Managers | 3 ch |
MBA6215 | Accounting & Decision Making | 3 ch |
MBA6218 | Financial Statement Analysis | 3 ch |
MBA6293 | Topics in Accounting | 3 ch |
MBA6303 | Marketing, Theories and Strategies | 3 ch |
MBA6313 | Marketing Research | 3 ch |
MBA6320 | Export Market Entry | 6 ch |
MBA6321 | Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty | 3 ch |
MBA6322 | Buyer Behaviour | 3 ch |
MBA6323 | International Marketing Management | 3 ch |
MBA6324 | Strategic Services Marketing | 3 ch |
MBA6325 | Marketing Analytics | 3 ch |
MBA6339 | Marketing Communications | 3 ch |
MBA6393 | Topics in Branding | 3 ch |
MBA6403 | Financial Management | 3 ch |
MBA6414 | Applications of Financial Management Techniques | 3 ch |
MBA6421 | Mergers and Acquisitions | 3 ch |
MBA6425 | Investments | 3 ch |
MBA6426 | Financial Institutions and Markets | 3 ch |
MBA6427 | International Financial Management | 3 ch |
MBA6429 | Fixed Income | 3 ch |
MBA6437 | Value Investing | 3 ch |
MBA6445 | Introduction to Financial Derivatives: Concepts, Valuation & Some Applications | 3 ch |
MBA6451 | Student Investment Fund I | 3 ch (Full Year Course) |
Presents experiential learning of the actual financial investment process and portfolio management. Students, under the guidance of faculty advisors, manage a $15,000,000+ pension portfolio within the investment policies and procedures of that enterprise. Requires detailed analysis of macroeconomic, industry, and company fundamentals. Entails preparation, on a regular basis, of up-to-date reports and presentations of portfolio analysis, selection, and management. Students in Year 1 of the SIF will be assigned as analysts on a specific sector team and develop equity research and communication skills. Students may choose to complete MBA 6452 - Student Investment Fund II in Year 2 where they will be assigned as portfolio managers leading a specific sector team and develop portfolio management skills. Eligible candidates are required to complete an application form and go through an interview. Students may choose to only participate in MBA 6451/Year 1. |
MBA6452 | Student Investment Fund II | 3 ch (Full Year Course) |
Presents experiential learning of the actual financial investment process and portfolio management. Students, under the guidance of faculty advisors, manage a $15,000,000+ pension portfolio within the investment policies and procedures of that enterprise. Requires detailed analysis of macroeconomic, industry, and company fundamentals. Entails preparation, on a regular basis, of up-to-date reports and presentations of portfolio analysis, selection, and management. Building on MBA 6451/Year 1, where students were assigned as analysts on a specific sector team and develop equity research and communication skills, in MBA 6452/Year 2, students will be assigned as portfolio managers leading a specific sector team and develop portfolio management skills. Eligible candidates are required to complete an application form and go through an interview. |
MBA6493 | Topics in Finance | 3 ch |
MBA6503 | Organizational Studies | 3 ch |
MBA6521 | Managerial Leadership | 3 ch |
MBA6522 | Motivation and Job Design | 3 ch |
MBA6593 | Topics in Organizational Studies | 3 ch |
MBA6606 | Business Data Analysis | 3 ch |
MBA6607 | Production and Operations Management | 3 ch |
MBA6614 | Total Quality Management | 3 ch |
MBA6623 | Advanced Production & Operations Management | 3 ch |
MBA6634 | Social Network Analysis | 3 ch |
MBA6635 | Supply Chain Management | 3 ch |
MBA6636 | Business Analytics I | 3ch |
MBA6646 | Business Analytics II | 3ch |
This course introduces advanced management analytics. The focus will be on finding solutions to business issues and deriving value from statistical algorithms for tree-based methods, support vector machines, deep learning and neural networks, survival analysis, and clustering methods. Programming environments, data storage, and control systems that are widely used in the field will be applied to create interactive notebooks. Through the use of advanced analytics, this course will seek to improve customized consumer experiences, deliver strategic and competitive advantages in markets, create efficiencies in operations, and automate business decisions. |
MBA6686 | Project Management | 3 ch |
Project Management is a first-moving and increasingly widespread discipline with record number practitioners now gaining professional qualifications. Any project has its starting date and an ending date. It contains several activities and each activity is interrelated and interdependent, and maintain precedence relationship. Each activity time and its cost could be either fixed or random. The job of the project manager is to list of all activities with expected activity times, and sequencing and controlling and monitoring progress of each activity with its activity time and budgeted cost. Completing any project on time and within budget is critical to business success. The course offers a comprehensive review of project management such as methodology, tool sets and documentation, and the project life cycle including analysis, planning, design and evaluation. The course also includes a project management case study. |
MBA6688 | Optimization in Finance | 3 ch |
MBA6693 | Topics in Quantitative Methods | 3 ch |
MBA6802 | Human Resource Management | 3 ch |
MBA6803 | Compensation Management | 3 ch |
MBA6808 | Business Negotiation & Alternative Dispute Resolution | 3 ch |
MBA6818 | Human Resource Analytics | 3 ch |
This course introduces you to the field of HR Analytics by providing an overview of its purpose, where it is used, and how it can support decision-making. HR Analytics applies inferential statistics to HR data in order to understand why certain patterns are occurring and to predict likely outcomes of HR decisions. Given the importance of tools in the field of HR analytics students will become adept at using such tools to analyze HR data sets that relate to employee recruitment and selection, engagement, performance, training, and turnover. Recommended but not mandated prerequisites: MBA6108 Data Visualization and MBA6636 Business Analytics Prerequisite: MBA6606 Business Data Analysis |
MBA6825 | Contemporary Human Resource Management | 3 ch |
MBA6836 | International Human Resource Management | 3 ch |
MBA6893 | Topics in Human Resource Management | 3 ch |
MBA6903 | Applied Integrative Studies | 3 ch |
MBA6990 | Practicum | 3 ch |
MBA6994 | Independent Study in Administration | 3 ch |
MBA6995 | Internship | 3 ch |
MBA6996 | Project Report | 6 ch |
1) Application of management techniques to one or more problems in an organization; 2) Empirical testing of an existing or newly developed managerial model using primary and/or secondary data; 3) Development of a new management technique(s), including an insightful survey of the existing literature. A Project Report is equivalent to the completion of 6 credit hours. The "general" Prerequisites for beginning the Project Report is the successful completion of all first-year required courses; the faculty supervisor of the Project Report may also request that the student take additional courses. The School of Graduate Studies sets the evaluation procedure of a Project Report and the associated deadlines for submission of first and final drafts. Students are advised to consult the current Graduate Calendar for more details. Students who intend to complete a Project Report (MBA 6996) must obtain a copy of "Project Report: Course Outline and Student Guidelines" from the MBA Office. This detailed guide assists students in determining the nature and scope of such a project, lists prerequisites, evaluation methods, required deadlines, proposed timetable, required documentation and further information on confidentiality considerations and permissible extensions. Students choosing to undertake a Project Report are responsible for ensuring that they are properly registered. A "Project Supervisor and Topic" form must be obtained, completed and returned by the student to the MBA Office prior to the beginning of their project. The student is not permitted to register “on-line” for this course. Once the proper form is completed at the MBA office and approval of the Director of Graduate Studies has been received, the registration will be completed by the Registrar’s Office. Prerequisite(s): All first year courses must be completed. |
MBA6997 | Thesis | 12 ch |
One or more members of the Faculty of Management will supervise the Thesis. The student may choose a Thesis supervisor or a member of the supervisory team from outside of the Faculty of Management. The Graduate Committee of the Faculty of Management must approve the subject of the Thesis. The Thesis examination must conform in all respects to the regulations governing the presentation of Master's theses as outlined in the Graduate Calendar. The prerequisites for the Thesis are the same as for the Project Report. Students completing their degree by Thesis are required to prepare a research proposal under the supervision of one or more faculty members and apply to the Director of Graduate Studies for final approval of the Thesis proposal by the Graduate Committee. It is recommended that students prepare Thesis proposals in September of the second year of the MBA program. Students choosing to undertake a Thesis are responsible for ensuring that they are properly registered. The student is not permitted to register “on-line” for this course. The student is required to complete "Project Supervisor and Topic” form prior to the beginning of their thesis. This form is available from the MBA Office. Once the proper form is completed at the MBA office and approved by the Director of Graduate Studies the registration will be completed by the Registrar’s Office. Prerequisite: All first year courses must be completed. |