City life at UNB

Explore city life in Fredericton and Saint John

City life

You want to be happy where you live, not just where you study.

When you choose UNB, you'll be living in a beautiful, historic city with young, active populations and lots to do. Whether you choose to live in Fredericton, New Brunswick's capital city, or Saint John, New Brunswick's largest city, you'll be surrounded by a supportive and welcoming community ready to make you feel at home. 

Fredericton and Saint John have vibrant art and music scenes, fabulous farmers markets, and endless places to explore outdoors. We're surrounded by picturesque rivers, ocean, parks and trails.  

Whether you choose life in Fredericton or life in Saint John, you'll be proud to show-off your new home. 


Fredericton city life   

Saint John

Saint John city life