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Undergraduate programs in biological sciences

Prepare for your career

Do you want to study the diversity of marine organisms? Discover how and why the Earth is structured how it is.

A biological sciences degree from UNB Saint John will prepare you for careers in medicine, dentistry, government and aquaculture as well as further graduate studies and research.

Learn in some of the best undergraduate labs in the country while gaining hands-on skills that make our students stand above the rest. Programs like the marine fall semester or our variety of labs will help you gain practical skills while preparing for your graduate studies or your career.

Undergraduate programs

Tackle climate change and protect our important coastal regions. This program provides a unique opportunity to combine a foundation in coastal ecology with advanced data science skills to tackle the complex challenges facing our coastlines. Learn more

Study atoms, molecules and their interactions. Our small groups and hands-on professors give you personal experience while developing your problem-solving and critical thinking skills. Learn more about chemistry at UNB Saint John.

Study the Earth: its origin, structure and composition. Geology allows you to better understand the processes that acted upon the Earth’s system in the past to help us foresee how geologic events and processes will affect us in the future. Learn more about geology at UNB Saint John.

Environmental biology is an interdisciplinary science because the solutions to environmental problems lie at the intersection of human behaviour, technology and the biology of living organisms.

Environmental biology students at UNB Saint John will take courses in:

  • chemistry
  • economics
  • environmental law
  • sociology
  • ecology
  • conservation biology
  • ecotoxicology

Learn more about environmental biology at UNB Saint John.

We are one of only a few university campuses in Canada offering a BSc in marine biology.

Our professors are internationally recognized in the field and our campus is well-equipped to offer this program because of our ideal location on the Saint John Kennebecasis River estuarine complex.

The marine biology program is a general synopsis of the discipline with special emphasis on Canadian east coast waters. Marine biology students receive a broad, basic training that will allow them to qualify for a wide range of employment opportunities, both in Canada and abroad.

Our past graduates are employed in:

  • government departments
  • consulting companies
  • research companies
  • private enterprises
  • aquaculture industry
  • universities

Our students with good records may pursue postgraduate research and training in marine biology at either the MSc or PhD level in Saint John.

Marine fall semester

Study the human body and human behaviour in this interdisciplinary program designed for students interested in pursuing a career or further studies in pharmacology, medicine, neuroscience and more. You will specialize in topics such as animal learning, genetics, and cognition. Learn more about biology-psychology at UNB Saint John.