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The UNB advantage

Excellence in teaching, research, clinical practice, leadership and innovation

years of nursing education

student-faculty ratio for most clinical experiences

week final practicum

For current students

Our students learn to be health care professionals from day one. We’re here to support you in your personal and professional growth every step of the way. Take advantage of the resources available to you as a member of the Department of Nursing and Health Sciences.

Inside Nursing and Health Sciences

Learn at the Horizon School of Radiography

Radiological technology is one of the fastest growing primary health care fields, and advances in digital imaging and computed tomography have made radiological technology one of the most dynamic fields in health care today.

Expand your Horizons

UNB program will allow nursing students to graduate in three years

The University of New Brunswick (UNB) and the provincial government have announced funding for a three-year delivery of its bachelor of nursing program in Saint John as part of a package of initiatives to address the shortage of nurses in the province.

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New nursing initiative combines work and education, provides salary and tuition support

Today, a new, innovative initiative was announced on the University of New Brunswick’s Saint John campus that will assist those unable to follow the traditional educational journey with an opportunity to advance their nursing careers.

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Mobile x-ray service, piloted by UNB professor, reduces hospital transfers in NB

Dr. Rose McCloskey, a UNB nursing and health sciences professor, and her research team are piloting a mobile x-ray service to help reduce nursing home-to-hospital transfers in the Saint John region.

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Centre for Research in Integrated Care

CRIC is a living laboratory that develops and evaluates patient-centred integrated models of care for individuals with complex care needs and their families.

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