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Building a better world

Our researchers are active in a diverse array of subjects ranging from social and government policy to the development of innovative technologies in many scientific fields. UNB researchers are helping develop the next generation of alternative energy technologies, helping lay the groundwork for smarter, safer computing, aiding in the protection of the environment and assisting in furthering humanity's understanding of outer space.

UNB research in the news

  • The J. Herbert Smith Centre: Launching start-up success
  • Claire Anderson: Award-winning UNB graduate looks at revolutionizing energy storage with computational chemistry
  • Dr. John Kershaw honoured for a lifetime of measuring forests and mentoring minds
  • Research Chair in Health Innovation Established in the UNB Faculty of Nursing
  • Two UNB researchers awarded Canada Research Chair funding

Research highlights

Fiscal year 2023-2024

Research revenue

Tri-agency success

Successfully funded research proposals

The Office of the VP (Research)

The Office of the Vice-President (Research) (VPR) provides leadership and vision in shaping UNB's strategic research direction and agenda. The Office of the VPR develops a higher profile for the full spectrum of research and scholarly activities in all UNB academic units. The responsibilities of the office include Research Ethics, Postdoctoral Fellows, UNB's Strategic Research Plan, Research Institutes and various other internal grants and awards.

Learn more about the Office of the Vice-President (Research).

How we support research

The Office of Research Services (ORS) provides both pre-award and post-award support services to faculty members, researchers and external partners. ORS seeks to support faculty members and researchers on both campuses in all stages of the research funding process.

Learn more about the Office of Research Services and the work it does.

How to partner with UNB

The Research and Innovation Partnerships (R&IP) group in ORS provides support for the development and transfer of technology and knowledge. R&IP facilitates research partnerships and provides access to those who wish to explore UNB's knowledge base and research capabilities. R&IP is guided by the idea that UNB has a role with industry and government to support a stronger, healthier and more innovative New Brunswick and Atlantic Canada.

Learn more about Research and Innovation Partnerships at UNB.

Information for UNB researchers

Information for current faculty, fellows and students engaged in research has moved to the MyUNB Intranet.

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