What We Do | Institute of Population Health | UNB

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Institute of Population Health

What we do

The Institute is dedicated to addressing population health outcomes through multi-disciplinary approaches. Our mission encompasses three primary functions:

  1. Advocating for improved population health outcomes and increasing awareness of population health practice and research.
  1. Facilitating multi-discipline primary and secondary research initiatives and systematic reviews; and co-leading or leading research in population health through connecting with partner institutes, researchers, and decision-makers.
  1. Providing education and capacity-building opportunities through peer review, knowledge translation and knowledge mobilization efforts, lectures and speaking events.

The Institute collaborates with faculties and other UNB institutes and centres to address population health needs in New Brunswick and Canada. Our facilitation efforts include:

  • Providing the necessary support to sustain research collaborations.
  • Increasing connection with provincial, federal, Indigenous governments and others through our vast population health network.
  • Analyzing research outcomes, synthesizing, and translating research to create policy recommendations.
  • Engaging with funders to obtain new and innovative funding opportunities.
  • Enhancing the profile of population health researchers with governments and funders through focused knowledge translation and mobilization efforts.

The Institute’s overarching emphasis is on collaborative research, creating policy recommendations from research outcomes, and engaging in knowledge translation and knowledge mobilization to inform health policies and initiatives aimed at enhancing the health of New Brunswickers.

We look forward to sharing updates on our ongoing research initiatives and collaborative efforts.