Point of Interest

Courtney Bay Breakwater Battery

Latitude: 45.261335
Longitude: -66.042727

A defence plan date 1936/37 called for light quick-firing guns on the Courtenay Bay breakwater, to support the main batteries on Partridge Island and others at Fort Dufferin. It was not until October 1939, after war had been declared, that the local military authority used their initiative and funds to mount a World War One 18 pounder on the breakwater and to rig up automotive spotlights to provide lightning. It was not until 1942 that heavy concrete structures were built near the tip of the breakwater to house a magazine and a gun platform. In June 1944 the 18-pounder was replaced by a semi-automatic twin 6-pounder gun. At the same time a steel-reinforced concrete fire control post was designed and built to look like a lighthouse. The site was dismantled in 1946.