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RWE Use Case 2 Dementia

Category(s): Health
Status: Active
Principal: Sandra Magalhaes
Project Number: P0123
Year Approved: 2024

The goal of the current project is to better understand current barriers and enablers to serving pan-Canadian health sector organizations with data analytic services. Focusing on individuals diagnosed with dementia in Canada as a use case, we will examine socio-demographics, comorbidities, treatment patterns, health care utilization and health care costs in the years following a diagnosis. We will also quantify these in the past year. 

The study population will include all individuals with diagnosed dementia using a case definition previously validated in Ontario. An individual aged 65 year and over is identified with dementia if he/she meets one of the following criteria: (1) a person had 3 or more physician billings with a dementia diagnosis recorded where each record was at least 30 days apart in a 2-year period; (2) the person had at least one hospitalization with dementia recorded. The first date of dementia-related utilization will be considered the diagnosis year. From this database, a study population will be selected: prevalent cases, which will include all individuals that have ever been diagnosed with dementia and that were still alive, residing in the province and with provincial health coverage as of March 31, 2019. The index date for this cohort will be March 31, 2019.