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Evaluation of Pharmacy-Led Pilot Clinics in New Brunswick

Category(s): Health
Status: Active
Principal: Dr. Chris Folkins
Project Number: P0124
Year Approved: 2024

The purpose of this project is to examine outcomes associated with the Pharmacist Care Clinic Pilot in NB. The Pilot is an initiative of the Department of Health and the NB College of Pharmacists, and comprises a selection of expanded-scope clinical services offered at six community pharmacies across the province during a 1-year pilot period. The evaluation will focus on the following services offered at the clinics: i) Point of care testing (POCT) and prescribing for Group A Strep (GAS); and ii) Chronic disease management of asthma, cardiovascular disease (CVD), diabetes, and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), including prescribing, changes to drug therapy, discontinuation of drug therapy, and referral to other providers. 

NB-IRDT will use data collected from the clinic sites linked to administrative data to evaluate the clinics. The evaluation will include a summary of services rendered, characterization of clinic clients, and analysis of client health outcomes and health system outcomes. 

This project is funded by the Department of Health, and the main deliverable is a report for the Department of Health. The results of this project will inform decision making by the Department of Health regarding pharmacist scope of practice and the future of pharmacy clinic offerings in NB.