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Cervical Cancer Screening in New Brunswick: Impact of Primary Care Physician Access

Category(s): Health
Status: Active
Principal: Ted McDonald
Project Number: P0127
Year Approved: 2024

This project will use descriptive and statistical analyses to explore the relationship between cervical cancer screening and primary care physician access, with a breakdown of different demographic and socioeconomic variables, all within a New Brunswick context. The impact of COVID-19 restrictions will be explored and taken into account during the analysis. Timely cervical cancer screening has proven effective in reducing mortality rates from cervical cancer and is often accessed through primary care physicians. New Brunswick faces provincial healthcare challenges such as physician shortages and long wait-times. Since cervical cancer screening requires a physician visit (Poncet et al. 2016), timely primary care access is a crucial component in cancer prevention and mitigation. Therefore, exploring the relationship between cervical cancer screening and primary care physician access within this context has the potential to better inform relevant policy decisions, making cervical cancer screening more efficient and further reducing cervical cancer mortality rates.