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NB Public Library System (LibPAS)

Holding Name: NB Public Library System (LibPAS)
Year(s): 2009-2021
Dataset Number: PTL11
Data Provider: Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour
Category(s): Education

Data Description

LibPAS is a data management system from Counting Opinions (SQUIRE) Ltd., used by the New Brunswick Public Library Service (NBPLS). It was implemented in 2010 and is the archive for NB public library statistics going back to the 2009-2010 fiscal year. The data is divided into three "collections": Service Point data, Circulation and Holdings data and Provincial Office data. The Service Point Data Collection houses statistics gathered at the library level, such as programs and participants, municipal and school district contributions and traffic (library visits). The Circulation and Holdings Data Collection contains data harvested from our Library Management System, Symphony. This includes statistics about the number of items in our collection, the number of times items are borrowed, and the number of library patrons. The Provincial Office Data Collection contains data that is collected at the provincial level such as financial revenue and expenditures, library positions, and use of digital resources. The nickname LibPAS is an acronym for Library Performance Assessment.