Holding Name: Cervical Cancer
Year(s): 2016-2021
Dataset Number: DH38
Data Provider: NB Department of Health
The provincial Cervical Cancer Prevention and Screening Program (CCPSP) has been operational since November 2014. Screening for cervical cancer using Pap tests are recommended for NB women aged 21-69 who have ever been sexually active with a partner of either gender, even after menopause (no longer having periods) or if vaccinated against HPV. Letters are sent to eligible NB women (age 21-69) and to primary health-care providers (PCP) in accordance to clinical practice guidelines.
NOTE: The Cervical Program does not send letters to women or healthcare providers when:
• The Pap test result is negative
• The follow-up is done according to the Clinical Practice Guidelines for normal or abnormal results,
• Women are outside the target age group of 21-69, without a cervix, already had a cervical cancer, or choose to “not participate” in the cervical program.