About the Vice President, Research | Leadership | UNB

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Vice President, Research

About David MaGee

Dr. David MaGee is the vice president research at UNB. In his role, he provides leadership and vision in shaping UNB's strategic research direction and agenda, overseeing research-related policies and programs, and developing a higher profile for the full spectrum of research and scholarly activities in all UNB's academic units.

Currently in his second term, Dr. MaGee was first appointed vice president research in 2017. Prior to his appointment, Dr. MaGee served as dean of science (2008-2017) and as chair of the department of chemistry (1999-2007). In his capacity as vice president (research), Dr. MaGee serves on the boards of several regional and national organizations, including the new Digital Research Alliance of Canada, Springboard Atlantic, the New Brunswick Innovation Foundation, Research New Brunswick (as well as both of its pre-merger organizations, the New Brunswick Health Research Foundation and BioNB), the Canadian Consortium of Ocean Research Universities, Huntsman Marine Centre and AceNet.

A proud New Brunswicker, Dr. MaGee completed his PhD in synthetic organic chemistry at UNB in 1987. Following a postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Rochester, he returned to UNB as a faculty member in chemistry. His primary area of research inquiry has focused on new and/or simpler ways to make biologically-interesting and structurally-challenging natural products. He has published 49 peer-reviewed articles on his research, presented at more than 80 conferences and holds five patents for significant discoveries made in the course of his research.

Contact David

506-453-5189 | vpr@unb.ca

UNB Research