About the Vice Provost Academic Administration | Leadership | UNB

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Office of the Vice Provost Academic Administration

Van Lantz

About Van Lantz

Dr. Van Lantz is the inaugural vice provost academic administration at UNB. In his new role he oversees UNB’s academic planning processes, academic quality assurance & accreditation, academic instructor contracts, and faculty labour relations.

Prior to this appointment, Dr. Lantz has served as Acting Associate Vice-President Academic (Learning Environment) on the Fredericton campus since 2020, and dean of forestry and environmental management from 2013-2020. He has served twice as UNB’s Lead Negotiator in collective bargaining with the full-time faculty union, and has chaired several presidential task forces to enhance university policies and procedures.

Dr. Lantz remains an active researcher and scholar in forest and environmental economics having supervised numerous graduate students and secured significant funding for his research program. Dr. Lantz is a strong relationship-builder and has inspired teams by being empathetic and results-oriented.

Contact Van
