In 2024, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) implemented a temporary two-year measure to stabilize the number of new study permits issued to international students in Canada.
International students applying for a study permit to study at designated learning institutions may now require a provincial attestation letter (PAL) to accompany their study permit application.
Students may receive only one PAL from the province of New Brunswick, so if you have received a PAL from another New Brunswick institution, you will not be eligible to receive a PAL for UNB.
If you are an international student who has attained admission to UNB, follow the step-by-step instructions on obtaining a PAL and study permit.
UNB requires Ordinary levels, plus a minimum of 3 qualifying AS/Advanced level subjects with the following individual program requirements:
UNB requires a minimum of 3 subjects to be taken at higher level (HL) with the following program-specific requirements:
We welcome and encourage applications from students wishing to transfer from another post-secondary institution.
Applicants who have completed prior post-secondary studies outside of Canada or the United States of America are required to submit a World Education Services (WES) ICAP Evaluation as part of their admission package. Applicants should request the WES International Credential Advantage Package (ICAP) Course-by-Course report. If you have a prior WES report, you must add WES ICAP to your evaluation report.
In addition to meeting our regular admission requirements, transfer students seeking credit for earlier post-secondary work must submit a detailed overview of their program of study and official course outlines for each course they have completed. Transfer credits will be determined on a case-by-case basis in accordance with UNB faculty standards. Transfer applicants should apply early to ensure time for faculty to review course outlines.
Applicants must disclose all prior attendance at other post-secondary institutions in Canada or abroad, regardless of whether they are seeking transfer credit. Failure to disclose this information may result in a rejection of the student’s application or subsequent suspension from UNB.
See the School of Graduate Studies for admission requirements for graduate programs.
If you have any questions, please email us: We are here to help!