Sexual assault support and resources

Campus sexual assault support advocates

A Campus Sexual Assault Support Advocate (CSASA) is specially trained to support students who have experienced sexual violence. They can offer trauma-specific counselling as well as help you report an incident, arrange accommodations, seek medical help and much more.

If someone discloses to you that they have been sexually assaulted, follow our guidelines on providing support.

The CSASA offers support to survivors of sexual violence goes beyond providing resources – it means developing a personal connection and creating a safe place where survivors feel heard, believed and validated as they work together to explore options that best meet the survivor’s needs.

The CSASA office is located on the 2nd floor of CC Jones Student Services Centre, and they are available to those affected by sexual violence during their university careers.

In partnership with Sexual Violence New Brunswick (SVNB), the CSASA brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to UNB in supporting individuals who have been impacted by sexual assault as well as enhancing the response and prevention of sexual violence in our communities.

Fredericton campus sexual assault support advocate

Megen Gaudet

Megen Gaudet

Megen Gaudet (she/her) is a registered social worker who currently lives and works on the unceded territory of the Wolastoqiyik, Mi’kmaq and Peskotomuhkati peoples.

Megen joined Sexual Violence New Brunswick (SVNB) as a collective member and volunteer supporting those impacted by sexual violence through their support line. During her tenure at SVNB, she has worked as an advocate for survivors in government and social systems, as well as the criminal justice system. In her role as a Campus Sexual Assault Support Advocate, she provides therapeutic support and advocacy for survivors on campus.

Megen is passionate about reducing barriers to accessing services for survivors and is dedicated to on-going learning and working from a feminist and anti-oppressive framework.

UNB policies

As part of our commitment to creating a campus where sexual violence is not tolerated, UNB has developed and adopted a Sexual Assault Policy and procedures to implement and support the policy.