
Some news and events associated with amateur radio at the University of New Brunswick are shown here.

  • Since June 20, 2010, the exam statistics are: 179 new amateur radio operators, 50 passed advanced exams and 3 passed Morse code exams.
  • Examination were passed, 2 basic, September 3, 2024.
  • Examination were passed, 1 basic with honours, July 16, 2024.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 basic and 1 basic with honours, May 14, 2024.
  • Examinations were passed, 2 basic with honours, April 25, 2024.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 basic with honours, April 9, 2024.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 basic with honours, February 13, 2024.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 basic with honours, January 30, 2024.
  • Examinations were passed, 2 advanced, 1 basic with honours, January 8, 2024.
  • Examinations were passed, 4 basic with honours, 1 advanced, December 20, 2023.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 basic with honours, November 8, 2023.
  • The year 2023 marks the 75th anniversary of the UNB Amateur Radio Club. To start this recognition, there will be a meeting for all on Friday, October 20, between 1:00 p.m. and 2:00 p.m, in Gillin Hall, room GC127, Fredericton.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 basic with honours, October 17, 2023.
  • Examinations were passed, 2 basic, September 5, 2023.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 basic with honours, July 4, 2023.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 advanced, May 30, 2023.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 advanced, May 2, 2023.
  • Examinations were passed, 3 basic with honours, 1 basic, April 28, 2023.
  • We will participate in the CQ WPX SSB radio contest. Sign up information and details are at the 2023 VE9UNB CQ WPX SSB Event Page, March 24-26, 2023.
  • An examination was passed, 1 advanced, on February 7, 2023.
  • VE9UNB joined the Straight Key Century Club (SKCC) and we have membership number 27116, on February 7, 2023.
  • Accredited examiner status was renewed from Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada for Guida Bendrich, Brent Petersen, Richard Tervo, December 16, 2022.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 basic with honours, on November 8, 2022.
  • Examinations were passed, 2 basic, on November 1, 2022.
  • An examination was passed, 1 advanced, on September 6, 2022.
  • The VE9YFC APRS Digipeater was set up as an I-Gate, by Stephen Downward VE9QLE, September 6, 2022.
  • The VE9YFC APRS Digipeater uses the same RaspBerry Pi as indicated below on February 18, 2020, but a new radio is being used, an Alinco DR-135T with a SignaLink USB, September 5, 2022.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 basic, on July 19, 2022.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 basic, on June 1, 2022.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 basic with honours, on March 17, 2022.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 basic with honours, on February 21, 2022.
  • Examinations were passed, 2 basic and 1 advanced, on October 22, 2021.
  • Examinations were passed, 2 basic with honours and 1 advanced, on October 8, 2021.
  • Examinations were passed, 2 basic with honours, on September 7, 2021.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 advanced, on August 3, 2021.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 basic with honours, on July 20, 2021.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 advanced, on May 14, 2021.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 Morse code, 2 basic with honours, 4 basic, January 21 to March 12, 2021.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 advanced, 3 basic with honours, 2 basic, examined by Dave, VE9CB, January 21-22, 2021.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 basic with honours, December 22, 2020.
  • Accredited examiner status was renewed from Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada for Guida Bendrich, Brent Petersen, Richard Tervo, July 19, 2020.
  • Our VE9YFC APRS Digipeater was upgraded by Stephen Downward VE9QLE.  The club now uses a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B/4GB, with the accessories: a HighPi Raspberry Pi Case for Pi4, a Raspberry Pi 15 W Power Supply, a Class 10 16 GB microSD Card With Raspbian (Stretch), an Aluminum Heatsink for Raspberry and a Micro-HDMI to Standard HDMI (A/M) 1m cable. Currently, the Pi is connected to a SignaLink USB and a Yaesu FT-7900, February 18, 2020.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 advanced, 1 basic, February 3, 2020.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 advanced, 2 basic with honours, 2 basic, January 16, 2020.
  • The VE9UNB call sign was used in an IEEE-UNB amateur radio satellite contact event. The operator was Dave Goodwin, VE9CB, November 26, 2019.
  • $500.00 was donated to the UNB Amateur Radio Club on October 25, 2019 by a former member who wishes to remain anonymous.  In the short term, we got a RaspBerry Pi 4 Model B/4GB, for the APRS digipeater.  Our club will discuss the best use of the remaining funds.  We sincerely thank this mysterious benefactor!
  • Jamboree On The Air (JOTA/JOTI Official Website) (JOTA/JOTI Scouts Canada) (JOTA/JOTI Wikipedia), Saturday, October 19, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m, Atlantic time, 1600 to 2000 UTC, available modes, HF, IRLP node 2780, Echolink with VE9EX node number 688500, DMR-MARC on VE9FTN with specific talk groups.  From 2 p.m. to 3 p.m, we hope to link together all the nodes of the International Repeater Group.  Please email to set up a sked.  At we registered for a Jamboree IDentification number (JID) for the Jamboree Puzzle (JamPuz).  The location is the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Head Hall, room H301.  A moose visited the JOTA; pictures are available.
  • The MAARC (Moncton Area Amateur Radio Club) hosted the Annual General Meeting of the Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC) on September 14, 2019.  Glenn MacDonnel VE3XRA, the 2019 RAC President, delivered his message in which he thanked the VE9UNB Amateur Radio Club for their help with the RAC Booth during the Canada Wide Science Fair in Fredericton, May 15-17, 2019.  Brent Petersen VE9EX, Sponsor of the VE9UNB Amateur Radio Club, had the pleasure of meeting Glenn as well as Rick Roderick K5UR, the 2019 ARRL President; a photo was taken.
  • Examinations were passed, 8 advanced, September 3, 2019.
  • The Canada-Wide Science Fair was in the Currie Center, Fredericton, May 15-17, 2019.  On page 44, in the July-August 2019 issue of the magazine called The Canadian Amateur (TCA), published by the Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC), is an article by Dave, VE9CB, the RAC Atlantic Director, about RAC's booth and the volunteers that helped, Stephanie, VE9AAU, Megan, VE9OEL, Nicole, VE9NI, Sarah, VE9SSB, Aaron, VE9CG, Ben, VA6RAB, Drake, VE9DLL, Nick, VE9WAM, Stephen, VE9QLE, Quinn, VE9QS and Brent, VE9EX.  Also present was Jerry, VE9CD, of the Fredericton Amateur Radio Club.
  • Examinations were passed, 1 advanced, 1 basic with honours, 3 basic, April 30, 2019.
  • There was an AO-91 Amateur Satellite Contact planned on Tuesday, March 19, 2019, 2:05 p.m. to 2:16 p.m, Chapman Field.  This was an event from the Student Development Studio (SDS) in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
  • There was an event for the Thinking Day On The Air (TDOTA RSGB) (TDOTA Wikipedia).  The repeaters of the IRG were linked together. for Guides to speak with other Guides in New Brunswick, Maine and around, Saturday, Feb. 16, 2 p.m. to 3 p.m, Atlantic time.
  • Alex Colpitts, VE9LEX, received an academic scholarship from the Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC); see page 6, The Canadian Amateur (TCA), January-February 2019.
  • Since June 20, 2019, the cumulative number of passed exams is 149.
  • Examinations passed, 2 advanced, 1 basic with honours, 1 basic, Thursday, January 21, 2019.
  • Examinations passed, 1 advanced, 5 basic with honours, 4 basic, January 17, 2019.
  • Jamboree On The Air (JOTA/JOTI Official Website) (JOTA/JOTI Scouts Canada) (JOTA/JOTI Wikipedia), Saturday, October 20, 1 pm to 5 pm Atlantic time, 1600 to 2000 UTC, all modes available, HF, IRLP node 2780, Echolink with VE9EX node number 688500, DMR-MARC on VE9FTN with specific talk groups, IRG on VE1BM.  Please email to set up a sked.  At we registered for a Jamboree IDentification number (JID) for the Jamboree Puzzle (JamPuz).
  • Two communication groups were created, the UNB Amateur Radio Club on and UNB Amateur Radio Club on Slack, August 30, 2018.  The membership is joint, meaning if one of the groups is joined, then the other group is joined, September 06, 2018.
  • The Worked All States (WAS) Mixed Award was received, August 22, 2018.
  • Don Trynor VA3XPR a former club member is in the news, 2018 Best EMBAs: Don Trynor, University of Toronto (Rotman), July 20, 2018.
  • One of the club members, Drake Legacy-Luce, VE9DLL, followed the responsible disclosure model to report an issue which is now resolved in QRZ accounts.  Drake's blog is available for further reading, June 7, 2018.
  • Examinations passed, 1 advanced, 8 basic with honours, 4 basic, January 18, 2018.
  • The VE9UNB team from the 2017 ARRL Sweepstakes SSB Contest was recognized in Sights and Sounds, Dec. 13, 2017, with the 2017 VE9UNB Sweepstakes SSB Team Photo, from the ARRL Contest Update, Editor, Brian Moran N9ADG.  The team consisted of Martin, VE9PLS, Chelsi, VE9DOY, James, Ryan, VO1RCH, Flo, VE9EN, Brent, CG9EX, Kevin, VE9KH, Xavier, VE9IDK, Joel, VE9SEC, Brandon, VE9BWB and Sam, VE9FQU.
  • After following the process of the ARRL, the paper-based DXCC credits for VE1RK and VE1UNB, were put into VE9UNB's account on Logbook of The World (LoTW) and we currently have confirmed 215 DXCC entities, November 21, 2017.
  • There is an excellent 48-minute YouTube video titled VE9UNB in the November 2017 ARRL SSB Sweepstakes (amateur radio contest) recorded by Flo Mitchell, VE9EN and Sam Mason, VE9FQU, which documents the VE9UNB Station for posterity.  This video was posted on July 20, 2018 and also documents some of VE9UNB's participation in the 2017 ARRL Sweepstakes SSB Contest, November 18-20, 2017.
  • Jamboree On The Air (JOTA/JOTI Official Website) (JOTA/JOTI Wikipedia), Saturday, October 21, 1 pm to 5 pm Atlantic time, 1600 to 2000 UTC, all modes available, HF, IRLP node 2780, Echolink with VE9EX node number 688500, DMR-MARC on VE9FTN with specific talk groups, IRG on VE1BM.  Please email to set up a sked.  At we registered for a Jamboree IDentification number (JID) for the Jamboree Puzzle (JamPuz).
  • Accredited examiner status was renewed from Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada for Guida Bendrich, Brent Petersen, Richard Tervo, August 9, 2017.
  • Examination passed, 1 morse code, June 20, 2017.
  • Examinations passed, 4 advanced, 1 basic with honours, May 3, 2017.
  • Examinations passed, 1 basic with honours, 2 basic, April 25, 2017.
  • Flo Mitchell, VE9EN, received one of three academic scholarships from the Radio Amateurs of Canada (RAC); see page 21, The Canadian Amateur (TCA) March-April 2017.  The article references her first contact from January 17, 2016, which was also recorded in a YouTube video titled First-ever amateur radio contact, IRG net.
  • Thinking Day On The Air (TDOTA RSGB) (TDOTA Wikipedia), Saturday, February 18, 2017, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Atlantic time, 1700 to 2100 UTC, all modes available HF, IRG, IRLP node 2780, Echolink use VE9EX node number 688500, DMR-MARC on VE9FTN with specific talk groups.  Please email to set up a sked.  There was also a transmitter hunting activity on the UNB Campus; see VE9UNB images.
  • Examinations passed, 1 advanced, 2 basic with honours, 2 basic, February 7, 2017.
  • Examinations passed, 3 basic, January 12, 2017.
  • The people associated with VE9UNB participated in the 2016 ARRL Sweepstakes SSB radio contest; see VE9UNB images.  Flo Mitchell, VE9EN and Sam Mason, VE9FQU, recorded a 20-minute YouTube video titled VE9UNB in the November 2016 ARRL SSB Sweepstakes (amateur radio contest).
  • Jamboree On The Air (JOTA/JOTI Official Website) (JOTA/JOTI Wikipedia), Saturday, October 15, noon to 6 p.m. Atlantic time, 1500 to 2100 UTC, all modes available, HF, IRG on VE1BM, IRLP node 2780, Echolink with VE9EX node number 688500, DMR-MARC on VE9FTN with specific talk groups.  Please email to set up a sked.  At we registered for a Jamboree IDentification number (JID) for the Jamboree Puzzle (JamPuz).  There was also a transmitter hunting activity on the UNB campus; see VE9UNB images.
  • Examinations passed, 1 basic with honours, 2 advanced, September 7, 2016
  • Flo Mitchell, VE9EN, is awarded the 2016 Brit Fader Scholarship from the Halifax Amateur Radio Club, July 26, 2016.
  • VE9UNB is now registered with LoTW and eQSL, June 17, 2016.
  • Thinking Day On The Air (TDOTA RSGB) (TDOTA Wikipedia), 3rd full weekend in February, tentative local time, Saturday, February 20, 2016, 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Atlantic time, 1700 to 2100 UTC, all modes available, HF, IRG, IRLP node 2780, Echolink use VE9EX node number 688500.  Please email to set up a sked.
  • The sponsorship of the club call signs VE9UNB and VE9YFC is now held by Brent Petersen, VE9EX, February 16, 2016.
  • Examinations passed, 1 basic, 1 advanced, February 2, 2016
  • Examinations passed, 3 basic with honours, 10 basic, 1 advanced, January 14, 2016
  • Jamboree On The Air (JOTA/JOTI Official Website) (JOTA/JOTI Wikipedia), Saturday, October 17, 2015, 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Atlantic time, 1700 to 2100 UTC, all modes available, HF, IRG, IRLP node 2780, Echolink use VE9EX node number 688500.  Please email to set up a sked.  At we registered and were emailed a Jamboree IDentification number (JID) for the Jamboree Puzzle (JamPuz).
  • Examinations passed, 1 basic with honours, 1 basic, 2 advanced, September 10, 2015
  • Examination passed, 1 basic, April 27, 2015
  • Thinking Day On The Air (TDOTA RSGB) (TDOTA Wikipedia), Saturday, February 21, 2015
  • Examinations passed, 3 basic, February 3, 2015
  • Examinations passed, 6 basic with honours, 6 basic, January 15, 2015
  • Brad Lane, VE9BML, receives one of three RAC academic scholarships, December 8, 2014
  • Accredited examiner status was obtained from Industry Canada for Guida Bendrich, Brent PetersenRichard Tervo, November 5, 2014.
  • Jamboree On The Air (JOTA/JOTI Official Website) (JOTA/JOTI Wikipedia), Saturday, October 15, 2014
  • Examinations passed, 4 advanced, May 10, 2014
  • Thinking Day On The Air (TDOTA RSGB) (TDOTA Wikipedia), Saturday, February 15, 2014
  • Examinations passed, 8 basic with honours, 6 basic, January 16, 2014
  • Jamboree On The Air (JOTA/JOTI Official Website) (JOTA/JOTI Wikipedia), Saturday, October 19, 2013
  • Examinations passed, 2 basic with honours, 1 basic, October 19, 2013
  • Examinations passed, 4 advanced, 1 basic with honours, 1 basic, June 8, 2013
  • Examinations passed, 1 advanced, 2 basic with honours, 3 basic, February 16, 2013
  • Examinations passed, 7 basic with honours, 7 basic, January 18, 2013
  • Examinations passed, 2 advanced, 1 basic, June 16, 2012
  • Examinations passed, 1 Morse code, June 7, 2012
  • Examinations passed, 1 basic, July 23, 2011
  • Examinations passed, 1 advanced, 5 basic with honours, February 19, 2011
  • Examinations passed, 1 advanced, 3 basic with honours, 1 basic, November 27, 2010
  • The Fredericton Amateur Radio Club continues to offer amateur radio examinations to candidates affiliated with the University of New Brunswick and 1 basic with honours examination was passed, June 20, 2010.

This page was created on February 12, 2015, by Brent Petersen.
This page was updated on September 3, 2024, by Brent Petersen.
© Copyright 2015-2024 University of New Brunswick.