The Alcohol Policy Review Committee is looking for feedback from UNB students, faculty and staff on a new draft alcohol policy. The current policy has been in place since 2009. Since that time, a President’s Task Force was charged to review the policies and practices related to alcohol on the Fredericton campus. That report made a number of recommendations.
The scope of the alcohol policy is university-wide and so a bi-campus Alcohol Policy Review Committee was established to revisit the existing policy. This group includes representation from the SRC (Saint John), the Student Union (Fredericton), the Graduate Student Association (Fredericton) and university employees from both Fredericton and Saint John.
Ultimately, the goal of the draft alcohol policy is to foster a safe and healthy environment in relation to alcohol for everyone including students, faculty, staff, alumni, and guests. For the most part, the draft policy is simply making clear current practice. Revisions to the policy were informed by research into best practices relating to harm reduction and responsible consumption.
The Alcohol Policy Working Group wants to develop a policy that meets the needs of our students, faculty, staff and community stakeholders. We can only accomplish this goal if our community members share their open and constructive feedback.
The President’s Task Force on Alcohol: UNB Fredericton is the Alcohol Policy Working Group’s call to action. It features background information on existing policies that regulate alcohol consumption, campus initiatives to reduce alcohol-related harms, and recommendations for reducing harmful student alcohol use on the UNB campus and among UNB students.
Review these reports on fostering safer campus environments relating to alcohol. These reports look at the Canadian campus context and present research related to risk management and harm reduction.
Read the Draft Alcohol Policy. Questions about the proposed policy can be sent to the Alcohol Policy Working Group at
When you feel you’re informed, please complete the feedback survey.
Note: The survey will be available from April 1-11, 2019.
If you have anything else you wish to share about the current review of the UNB Alcohol Policy Review, please connect with the Alcohol Policy Working Group at or in writing to the following address:
Alcohol Policy Working GroupLooking for more information? Here are some links to more information on safer alcohol consumption and low-risk drinking guidelines.