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Faculty of Nursing
UNB Fredericton

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Bachelor of Nursing

4-year program

University of New Brunswick’s four-year Bachelor of Nursing program prepares you to meet the current and future population healthcare needs in New Brunswick and beyond.

Admission requirements

Focus on hands-on experience from the beginning

Our undergraduate students have hands-on clinical experience beginning in their first year of study. Throughout their four-year degree they will have the advantage of varied clinical experiences in a diverse range of settings including hospital settings, long term care, mental health, young families and community.

Take advantage of:

  • First year hands-on experience
  • Small class sizes
  • Innovative labs and simulation experiences
  • 8:1 student-to-faculty ratio in most clinical courses
  • 12-week practicum in the final semester of study
  • Peer support from the Nursing Society and Peer Mentors

Learn more about this program