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A degree that makes sense of society

Explore complex, compelling sociological subjects while gaining the necessary skills to obtain positions with private, public and non-profit employers. We offer rich and diversified undergraduate and graduate programs.

Sociology in the news

Visualizing radicalization: UNB student’s work recognized at international event

A University of New Brunswick (UNB) student has gained acclaim for his research on far-right extremism, earning a top spot at an international data visualization competition.

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Breaking the silence: Researchers uncovering the hidden struggles of Canada's queer community

In a world where the spotlight often highlights progress and acceptance, Canada's queer community has its own set of unique challenges. The need for increased understanding and support is at the heart of their journey.

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Helping people access housing to improve health outcomes

Assistant professor of sociology on UNB Saint John's campus, Eric Weissman, is questioning how we respond to homelessness in our communities.

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UNB researchers publish results on social disparities

Sociology professor Dr. Neeru Gupta has published innovative research results on cardiometabolic health disparities among sexual minority Canadians.

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Measuring deep poverty and its effects

Dr. Dan Dutton, adjunct professor in the sociology department, is leading research to find solutions for the poorest of the poor in society.

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