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Anthropology in the news

Interdisciplinary research team aims to create better outcomes for people with spinal cord injuries

A group of researchers is combining their broad range of talents to take on one of our most expensive and life-altering sets of injuries. Together, they will bridge the communication and knowledge gaps between disciplines in the hopes of creating better outcomes for those experiencing spinal cord injuries (SCI).

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Dr. Pleshet works with Indigenous Tribal Council on major road infrastructure project

Produced by the South Australian Government Department of Infrastructure and Transport, this short film documents an Indigenous employment milestone in the Anangu Pitjantjatjara Lands (APY) main access roads upgrade project. Dr. Pleshet appears in the video to discuss his involvement in community consultations and cultural resource management.

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Students gain experiential learning at field school in Sipp Bay, Maine

University of New Brunswick (UNB) students have access to the region’s premier archaeological field school thanks to UNB’s support for experiential learning, which makes the program accessible for all.

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Postdoctoral Research on Gold

Dr. Jonkman of VU Amsterdam has received a Rubicon grant from NWO (Dutch Research Council). This grant will enable Jonkman to spend 24 months researching gold in Colombia at UNB Fredericton.

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The Far Northeast

Dr. Gabriel Hrynick and Kenneth R. Holyoke have published The Far Northeast: 3000 BP to Contact. This is the first volume to synthesize archaeological research from across Atlantic Canada and northern New England for the period from 3000 years ago to European contact.

The Far Northeast