Associate Professor / Indigenous Science Scholar
Bailey Hall 113
Research interests in fish ecophysiology and bioenergetics. Understanding the impacts of climate change on fish thermal and hypoxia tolerance. Feeding behaviour of aquatic species at risk such as Atlantic salmon, Atlantic wolffish, and American eel.
2017 O'Donnell, K.M., MacRae, K.L., Verhille, C.E., Sacobie, C.F.D., Benfey, T.J. Standard metabolic rate of juvenile triploid brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis. Aquaculture 479:85-90.
2016 Sacobie, C.F.D., Burke, H.A., Lall, S.P., Benfey, T.J. The effect of dietary energy level on growth and nutrient utilization by juvenile diploid and triploid brook charr, Salvelinus fontinalis. Aquaculture Nutrition. 10.1111/anu.12347
2013 Ellis, L.E., Sacobie, C.F.D., Kieffer, J.D., Benfey, T.J. The effects of dissolved oxygen and triploidy on critical thermal maximum in brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis) Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 166:426-43.