Full Teaching Professor (Retired)
Bailey Hall 131
Control of myocardial blood flow and the effects on the circulatory system of changes in cardiovascular properties through disease or drugs.
Barclay KD, Klassen GA and Young C. 2000. Characterization of the Canine Myocardial Microcirculatory Red Cell Flux by Chaos Analysis. Microcirculation (in press).
Klassen GA and Barclay KD. 2000. Coronary Blood Flow Regulation in Health and Disease. In: Bitter EE, Bitter N, editors. Principles of Medical Biology. Stanford, CT: JAI Press Inc. (in press)
Falk M, Chew W, Walter JA, Kwiatkowski W, Barclay KD and Klassen GA. 1998. Molecular Modelling and NMR Studies of the Caffeine Dimer. Can J Chem 76:48-56.