Shelley Doucet



Nursing and Health Sciences

Hazen Hall 342

Saint John
1 506 654 3419

Other titles

  • Director, Centre for Research in Integrated Care, UNB
  • Jarislowsky Chair in Interprofessional Patient-Centred Care
  • Adjunct Professor, Dalhousie Medicine New Brunswick

NB SPOR Network  |  QUEST-SJ  |  Google Scholar

Education summary

  • BN, University of New Brunswick Saint John, 2005
  • MScN, University of Western Ontario, 2007
  • PhD (Interdisciplinary Studies), University of New Brunswick, 2010
  • Certification - Educating Health Professionals in Interprofessional Care
    (EHPIC - U of T), 2011
  • Certification - Interprofessional Education Teaching Certificate Program
    (UWO), 2011

Areas of interest

  • Interprofessional practice
  • Integrated care
  • Patient-centred care
  • Primary health care
  • Health system reform

Teaching summary

Graduate teaching: supervise students' dissertations, theses, and reports

Undergraduate teaching: primarily courses related to professional relationships, health communication, family nursing, and the Canadian health care system

Research grant summary

AstraZeneca Canada Inc.
Title: 2024 Patients’ Den event Role:
Co-applicant | $7,622 | 2024

Research NB Research Chair Endowment (renewal)
Title: Jarislowsky Chair in Interprofessional Patient-Centred Care
Role: Chair holder | $500,000 | 2024 –2029

New Frontiers in Research Fund Exploration Grant
Title: Personalized spinal cord rehabilitation: A pilot study integrating explanatory models with curiosity-driven computational approaches
Role: Co-applicant | $250,000 | 2024-2026

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Project Grant
Title: Our Health Counts NB
Role: Co-investigator | $1,866,600 | 2024-2029

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) IYS-Net
Phase 1: Building Learning Health System Networks
Title: Building the foundation of a learning health system for integrated youth mental health services in New Brunswick
Role: Co-applicant | $290,927 | 2024-2029

Health Canada
Title: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Patient Reported Indicator Survey (PaRIS) project
Role: Principal investigator | $5,000 | 2023-2024

Canadian Association of MAiD Assessors and Providers Knowledge Transfer Grant
Title: Barriers and facilitators to engaging in the practice of medical assistance in dying (MAiD) among providers in Canada: A scoping review.
Role: Principal investigator | $1,000 | 2023 – 2024

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) / Several Matching Partners (including NBHRF) THINC Implementation Science Teams Grants
Title: PriCARE Integration - Case management in primary healthcare for people with complex healthcare needs to improve integrated care: a large-scale implementation study.
Role: Co-principal investigator | $2,000,000 | 2023 – 2027

New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF)
2023 Summer Studentship Program (16-week stipend for Lauren Ashfield)
Title: Organization for economic co-operation and development (OECD) patient reported indicator survey (PaRIS) project
Peer reviewed competition | Role: Co-Principal Applicant | $8,864 | 2023

Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC)
The Forward with Dementia Initiative
Title: Addressing stigma and supporting living well for persons living with dementia and care partners
Role: Co-principal investigator | $397,159 | 2023 – 2024

New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF)
MSSU Studentship Award
Title: Compensation-related barriers and facilitators to patient engagement in Canadian academic health research and intersections with equity, diversity, and inclusion
Role: Principal investigator | $40,000 | 2022 - 2024

Government of New Brunswick
Healthy Seniors Pilot Project Operating Grant
Title: Piloting patient navigation for people with dementia, their caregivers, and members of the care team
Role: Nominated principal investigator | $1,618,392 | 2022 - 2024

Government of New Brunswick
Healthy Seniors Pilot Project Operating Grant
Title: CHARM Study - Coordinating transitions from hospital for older adults with fractures: An interventional mixed methods study
Role: Co-applicant | $954,495 | 2022 - 2024

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) / Matching Partners (including NBHRF) SPOR Primary Care Network
Title: SPOR Primary Care Network
Role: Co-principal applicant | $20,000,000 ($10,000,000 from CIHR, $10,000,000 from matching partners, including $500,000 from NBHRF, for which I was the nominated principal applicant) 2022 – 2027

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) / Several Matching Partners CIHR SPOR Networks – Knowledge Mobilization and Implementation Science
Title: CHILD-BRIGHT: Child Health Initiatives Limiting Disability- Brain Research Improving Growth and Health Trajectories (Phase 2 Funding) Peer reviewed competition
Role: Co-applicant | $5,450,000 total ($3,750,000 from CIHR, $1,700,000 from matching partners) 2022 - 2027

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Health Research Training Platform (HRTP) Pilot
Title: Alliance against violence and adversity (AVA): Health and social services research training platform for system and population transformations in girls and women’s health
Role: Co-applicant | $2,400,000 | 2022 – 2028
*Ranked first in competition pool

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Operating Grant Title: Uncovering the wider impact of COVID-19 measures on the lives of children with complex care needs and their families
Peer reviewed competition
Role: Co-investigator | $495,000 | 2022 – 2024

New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF)
2022 Summer Studentship Program (16-week stipend for Eniola Lawal)
Title: Nutrition care in primary care in Canada and beyond Peer reviewed competition
Role: Co-principal applicant | $8,000 | 2022

New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF)
2022 Summer Studentship Program (12-week stipend for Mary Yi)
Title: The impact of patient navigation programs for people with dementia, their caregivers, and members of the care team: A scoping review
Peer reviewed competition
Role: Co-principal applicant | $6,000 | 2022

New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF)
2022 Summer Studentship Program (8-week stipend for Hannah Trites)
Title: Co-designing dementia care in New Brunswick: Building the future together
Peer reviewed competition
Role: Co-principal applicant | $4,000 | 2022

New Brunswick Innovation Foundation
Research Professional Initiative Grant
Title: Promoting Aging in Place: Contextualizing the expressed needs of older adults with complex care needs and potentially avoidable emergency department visits
Peer reviewed competition
Role: Principal applicant | $90,000 | 2022 – 2025

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)/ New Brunswick Health Research Foundation SPOR Pan-Canadian Network in Primary and Integrated Health Care Innovations: Management & Operations Grant (Continuing Grant)
Title: Creating a New Brunswick strategic patient-oriented research network for the primary and integrated primary health care innovations
Peer reviewed competition
Role: Principal applicant | $75,000 / $75,000 - Total = $150,000 | 2021 - 2022

New Brunswick Health Research Foundation Bridge Grant
Title: Better understanding care transitions of adults with complex health and social care needs: An essential step towards integrated care
Role: Principal applicant | $35,000 | 2022-2023

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Project Grant
Title: Better understanding care transitions of adults with complex health and social care needs: An essential step towards integrated care
Role: Co-principal investigator | $750,000 | 2021 – 2025

Government of Canada
Immunization Partnership Fund
Title: A tailored automated COVID vaccine communication strategy to build primary care providers’ capacity to address vaccine hesitancy among their patients
Role: Co-investigator | $450,000 | 2021 – 2023

Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).
Project grant
Title: InspiRights: Good practices that Inspire and facilitate children’s Rights Role: Co-investigator
$340,000 | 2021-2026

New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF).
2021 Summer Studentship Program (16-week stipend for Eve Justason).
Title: Evaluating the process of a nurse practitioner led clinic in New Brunswick.
Peer reviewed competition.
Role: Co-principal applicant | $6,900 | 2021

New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF)
2021 Summer Studentship Program (16-week stipend for Fareeha Quayyum).
Title: Exploring the primary health care experiences of individuals with chronic conditions through the implementation of the OECD patient-reported indicator survey (PaRIS) in New Brunswick and Canada.
Peer reviewed competition.
Role: Co-principal applicant | $6,900 | 2021

The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF).
Title: Evaluating the usefulness of a mental health artificial intelligence (A.I.) chatbot in a healthcare setting (additional funding through Covid-19 Emergency Fund).
Peer reviewed competition.
Role: Principal investigator | $10,200 | 2021 - 2022

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Project Grant.
Title: Establishing a tool to identify children with medical complexity using administrative datasets in the Maritime provinces.
Role: Co-investigator | $60,000 | 2021-2022

The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF)
Title: Enhancing the quality of life of youth with complex care needs and their families through innovative, multidisciplinary approach to improving transitions in care.
Peer reviewed competition
Role: Principal investigator | $5,000 | 2021 - 2022

New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF). Emerging Projects. Title: Exploring patient navigation for people with dementia, their caregivers, and the care team in Canada. Role: Nominated Principal Investigator. $25,000, 2020 - 2022

MacMurray Foundation.
Title: Supporting families in New Brunswick: Monthly webinar series presented by NaviCare/SoinsNavi
Role: Nominated principal investigator | $4,500 | 2020 - 2021

New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF)
New Brunswick Priority Occupation Student Support Fund Competition
Title: Exploring patient navigation for trauma patients and people with dementia to create efficiencies in priority occupations.
Role: Nominated principal investigator | $65,000 | 2020 - 2021

Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement.
Title: Exploring patient navigation for people with dementia, their caregivers, and the care team in Canada.
Role: Nominated principal investigator | $49,500 | 2020 - 2021

Foundation for Advancing Family Medicine (FAFM)
COVID-19 Pandemic Response and Impact Grant Program (Co-RIG) Phase 1.
Title: Telehealth case management in primary care: An innovation in response to services disruption for patients with complex needs.
Role: Co-principal investigator | $200,000 | 2020 - 2021

Atlantic Region Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (ARCASN)
2020 ARCASN Research Award.
Title: Exploring interprofessional practice and collaboration experiences of post-licensure graduates from the Tucker Park health professions programs.
Role: Co-principal investigator | $2,000 | 2020 - 2021

New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF)
COVID-19 Research Fund (COV2020-029)
Title: Occupational disruption during COVID-19: Exploring the experiences of individuals living with chronic disease
Role: Principal investigator | $10,955 | 2020 - 2022

MITACS Accelerated Program Partnership
Title: A needs assessment of community resources and services for people with cancer and their families in New Brunswick
Role: Principal investigator | $10,000 / $5,000 from the Canadian Cancer Society / $5,000 from private donation - Total = $20,000 | 2020

New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF) and the New Brunswick Department of Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour.
Research Professionals Initiative (RPI)
Title: Evaluating the usefulness of a mental health artificial intelligence (A.I.) chatbot in a healthcare setting
Role: Principal investigator | $90,000 | 2020-2023

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
Individual Connection Grants (611-2019-0167)
Title: The Inaugural Canadian Healthcare Navigation Conference
Role: Co-investigator | $10,000 | 2020-2021

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Best Brains Exchange Program
Title: CIHR Best Brains Exchange: Development of a comprehensive, integrated care approach to chronic disease prevention and management.
Role: Co-applicant | $20,000 | 2020

New Brunswick Health Research Foundation
Summer Studentship Program (16-week stipend support for Ms. Jennifer Clarke)
Title: Evaluating the process of a pediatric patient-navigation centre in NB.” Peer reviewed competition
Role: Co-principal applicant | $6,900 | 2020

New Brunswick Health Research Foundation
Summer Studentship Program (12-week stipend support for Ms. Naythrah Thevathasan)
Title: Innovating pediatric behavioural assessments and care pathways
Role: Principal applicant | $5,175 | 2020

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) / New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF). Catalyst Grant: Patient-Oriented Research.
Title: Determining research priorities to improve the integration of care for individuals with complex care needs and their caregivers in New Brunswick. Role: Nominated principal investigator | $120,000 ($100,000 from CIHR and $20,000 from NBHRF) | 2020-2021

York University
Sponsorship to support conference costs
Title: Canadian Healthcare Navigation Conference - Best Practices in Navigation
Role: Co-applicant | $1,000 | 2020-2021

Royal Bank of Canada (RBC)
Sponsorship to support costs associated with conference keynote speaker, patient partner Ms. Keli Anderson
Title: Canadian Healthcare Navigation Conference - Best Practices in Navigation.
Role: Co-applicant | $3,000 | 2020-2021

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Planning and Dissemination Grant
Title: The inaugural Canadian Healthcare Navigation Conference: Advancing innovations in patient and family navigation for mental health and addictions concerns
Role: Co-applicant | $15,000 | 2020-2021

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
Project Grant: Fall 2019 Competition (Appl # 426791)
Title: The Maritime Community Health and Housing Initiative: Investigating the impact of public housing interventions on mental health and healthcare use in low-income households in New Brunswick
Peer reviewed competition
Role: Co-applicant | $466,650 | 2020-2025

Government of New Brunswick
Healthy Seniors Pilot Project Operating Grant
Title: Co-designing dementia care in New Brunswick: Building the future together
Peer reviewed competition
Role: Nominated principal investigator | $495,259 | 2019-2021

New Brunswick Children’s Foundation. Operating Grant.
Title: NaviCare/SoinsNavi: A navigation centre for children and youth with complex care needs- and their families New Brunswick
Role: Nominated principal investigator | $50,000 | 2019-2020

Jarislowsky Foundation
New Gift to Support Research Chair Endowment
Title: Jarislowsky Chair in Interprofessional Patient-Centred Care
Role: Chair holder | $100,000 | 2019

New Brunswick Innovation Foundation and the New Brunswick Social Policy Research Network. The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF) Social Innovation Research Fund competition.
Title: Enhancing the quality of life of youth with complex care needs and their families through innovative, multidisciplinary approach to improving transitions in care.
Role: Principal applicant | $30,000 | 2019-2021

New Brunswick Innovation Foundation and the New Brunswick Social Policy Research Network. The New Brunswick Innovation Foundation (NBIF) Social Innovation Research Fund competition
Title: Developing age-friendly solutions: Information and system navigation for older adults and their caregivers in New Brunswick.
Role: Co-applicant | $20,000 | 2019-2021

The Royal Society of Canada. Open Academy Program
Title: Navigating your journey: A workshop presented by NaviCare/SoinsNavi’s Family Advisory Council
Role: Nominated principal applicant | $5,000 | 2019-2020

New Brunswick Health Research Foundation
Research Chair Endowment (renewal)
Title: Jarislowsky Chair in Interprofessional Patient-Centred Care
Role: Chair holder | $500,000 | 2019-2024

New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF)
NBHRF Workshop Support Program 2019-2020
Title: 2019 Patients’ Den Workshop
Role: Principal applicant | $5,000 | 2019-2020

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) / Matching Partners (including NBHRF). Canadian Consortium for Neurodegeneration and Aging (CCNA)
Title: Assessing care models implemented in primary health care for persons with Alzheimer’s disease and related disorders
Role: Co-investigator | $1,520,000 | 2019-2024

The EU Joint Programme in Neurodegenerative Disease Research (JPND). Transnational call: Multinational Research Projects on Health and Social Care for Neurodegenerative Diseases
Title: CO-desiGning demeNtia dIagnoSis ANd post-diagnostic CarE “COGNISANCE.”
Role: Co-principal investigator | €1,543,691 (approx. $2,296,988 CAD) | 2018-2021

New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF)
Summer Studentship Program (12-week stripend for Ms. Poppy Jackson)
Title: Using theatre as an innovative knowledge translation approach for health research
Peer reviewed competition
Role: Co-principal applicant | $4,944 | 2019

New Brunswick Health Research Foundation (NBHRF)
NBHRF Workshop Support Program
Title: CIHR Best Brains Exchange (BBE) in Social Paediatrics: Protecting the rights of the child through collaborative models of care aimed at mitigating and addressing the social determinants of health
Role: Principal applicant | $8,833 | 2018-2019

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR). Best Brains Exchange Travel Award
Title: CIHR Best Brains Exchange in Social Paediatrics: Protecting the rights of the child through collaborative models of care aimed at mitigating and addressing the social determinants of health
Role: Principal applicant | $20,000 | 2018

Jarislowsky Foundation
New gift to support research chair endowment
Title: Jarislowsky Chair in Interprofessional Patient-Centred Care
Role: Chair holder | $500,000 | 2018

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) / Several Matching Partners (including NBHRF). Operating Grant: CIHR SPOR PIHCI Network: Knowledge Synthesis.
Title: Interventions to support transitions in care for children and families with complex health care needs in the community
Peer reviewed competition
Role: Nominated principal investigator | $97,871 | 2018-2019

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) / Several Supporting Organizations. Operating Grant: SSHRC Connections Grant
Title: Mobilizing connections to build early childhood partnerships in Nova Scotia
Role: Co-applicant | $44,897 ($24,927 from SSHRC, $19,970 from other sources) | 2018-2019

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) / Several Matching Partners (including NBHRF) Operating Grant: CIHR SPOR PIHCI Network: Programmatic Grant
Title: Case management in primary care for frequent users of healthcare services with chronic diseases and complex care needs: Implementation and realist evaluations
Role: Co-principal investigator | $2,000,000 | 2018 - 2022

Review Dr. Doucet's current publications


Participated in the delivery of over 100 presentations focused on interprofessional education and practice at local, national, and international conferences and workshops.

Professional practice and committees

  • Member of several interprofessional university and community committees
  • Active reviewer for the following journals (among others):
    • Journal of Interprofessional Care
    • Journal of Research in Interprofessional Practice and Education
  • Active community volunteer for the following initiatives (among others):
    • Race director for two local charity races in support of PRO Kids and the Empty Stocking Fund
    • Co-Chair for Trail Running NB
    • Co-Lead for Trail Running for Kids Club in Greater Saint John