Science, Applied Science and Engineering
Ganong Hall 231/232
Saint John
Dr. Mike van Zyll de Jong is an applied ecologist that collaborates across disciplines to develop, synthesize, and communicate robust, relevant science that can inform inland fisheries management and policy development. His areas of concentration are in recreational fisheries assessment; river restoration and forestry impacts; policy development and decision making.
Assessing the impact of instream barriers and climate change on wild Atlantic salmon population persistence and production in forested boreal watersheds. University of Hull, Canadian Forest Service, Newfoundland Forest Service, Memorial University.
Freshwater fish vulnerability to climate change in the northern boreal forest. University of Hull, Canadian Forest Service, Memorial University.
Linking ecosystem services to decision making in sustainable watershed management planning. University of Hull, Canadian Forest Service, University of Sherbrook and Memorial University.
Salmon river habitat restoration project. University of Hull, Canadian Forest Service, Newfoundland Forest Service, Memorial University.
Development of a planning and analysis tool for ecological restoration of rivers. Atlantic Salmon Conservation Foundation, Memorial University and the University of Hull.
Salmonid data synthesis project. Newfoundland and Labrador.
Okusepie, H. & van Zyll de Jong, M.C. (Submitted) Assessing the vulnerability of freshwater fish populations to climate change in Newfoundland and Labrador. PLOS One.
van Zyll de Jong, M., Adams, B., Cote, D., & Cowx, I. (2017). The effects of population density and lake characteristics on growth and size structure of brook trout Salvelinus fontinalis (Mitchill, 1815) in boreal forest lakes in Canada. Journal of Applied Ichthyology, 33(5), 957-965.
Miller, L. M., Eddy, B., & van Zyll de Jong, M. (2017). Assessing climate change vulnerabilities in northern boreal forests. International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses, 9(2), 23-42.
Fox, C., van Zyll de Jong, M., Hearn, B., Moores, L., Foley, P., & Harris, D. (2016). Perspectives on implementing certification on Crown forest: The case of Newfoundland and Labrador. The Forestry Chronicle, 92(4), 503-511.
van Zyll de Jong, M.C., & Cowx, I.G. (2016). Long-term response of salmonid populations to ecological restoration procedures in a boreal forest stream. Ecological Engineering, 91: 148–157.
Sabau, G., & van Zyll de Jong, M. (2015). From unjust uneconomic growth to sustainable fisheries in Newfoundland: The true costs of closing the inshore fishery for ground fish. Marine Policy, 61, 376-389.
Eddy, B. G., Hearn, B., Luther, J.E., Van Zyll de Jong, M., Bowers, W., Piercey, D., Strickland, G. & Wheeler, B. (2014). An information ecology approach to science policy integration in adaptive management of social-ecological systems. Ecology and Society 19 (3): 40.