Mira Bachvarova Assistant Professor Maggie Jean Chestnut 305
Kelly Baker Part-time Instructor
Jessica Bourque Assistant to the Dean Maggie Jean Chestnut 201
Jake Bracewell Student Services and Outreach Coordinator
Simon Marmura Brown Part-time Instructor
Dave Decker Part-time Instructor Philip W. Oland Hall 127
Julia Fursova Assistant Professor
Austin Henderson Part-time instructor
Kendall Kadatz Experiential Education Coordinator Maggie Jean Chestnut 205
Guna Kulasegaram Part-time Instructor Annex C 28
Carol Nemeroff Dean Maggie Jean Chestnut 202
Dana-Marie Ramjit Part-time Instructor
Roxanne Reeves Part-time Instructor Maggie Jean Chestnut 208
Kurt Schmidt Part-time Instructor Marshall d'Avray Hall
Josie Seely Part-time instructor Maggie Jean Chestnut 122
Amelia Thorpe Part-time instructor
Ola Tjornbo Assistant Professor
Raja Wetuschat Part-time Instructor Bailey Hall 5C
Rodger Wilkie Part-time Instructor
Nikolas Wood Academic Development Project Coordinator