Hsin-Chen Lin


PhD (Purdue University)

Management, Faculty of

Tilley Hall 337


1 506 453 4551

Hsin-Chen Lin is a Professor of Marketing in the Faculty of Management. Her main research interests are word-of-mouth, sponsorship, social influence, social media marketing, online advertising, cross-cultural studies, and branding. Her research focuses on understanding how word-of-mouth, sponsorship, online advertising, and social media marketing affect brand equity according to national cultures and countries.

Hsin-Chen has received three SSHRC grants, a Harrison McCain Young Scholar’s Award, a UNB Merit Award, two University Research Funds, a Faculty Excellence in Research Award, and a Faculty Annual Research Award.

She teaches Principles of Marketing, Global Marketing, and Social Media Marketing in the BBA and MBA programs at the University of New Brunswick.

Journal articles

Hsin-Chen Lin and Patrick F. Bruning. (In Press). “Guidelines for Sponsorship Signaling within Socially Complex Markets.” Business Horizons.

Patrick F. Bruning, Hsin-Chen Lin, and Ching-Yi Hsu. (2022). “Crafting Solutions to Leadership Demands for Well-Being and Effectiveness.” Business Horizons. 65(5), 603-615.

Hsin-Chen Lin and Patrick F. Bruning. (2021). “Sponsorship in Focus: A Review and Typology of Sponsorship Contexts.” Marketing Intelligence and Planning, 39(2), 213-233.

Joan Freixanet, Iya Churakova, Josep Ralp, and Hsin-Chen Lin. (2021). “Riding the Storm Out: The Short and Long Term Effects of Export Promotion on Firm Performance during an Economic Downturn.” European Journal of International Management, 16(1), 118-147.

Hsin-Chen Lin and Patrick F. Bruning. (2020). “Comparing Consumers’ In-Group-Favor and Out-Group-Animosity Processes within Sports Sponsorship.” European Journal of Marketing, 54(4), 791-824.

Patrick F. Bruning, Nick Turner, and Hsin-Chen Lin. (2020). “Transformational Leadership, Group Affective Tone, and Group Member Social Inferences: A Leadership Complementarity Perspective.” Canadian Journal of Administrative Science, 37(4), 383-395.

Patrick F. Bruning, Bradley J. Alge, and Hsin-Chen Lin. (2020). “Social Networks and Social Media: Understanding and Managing Vulnerability to Social Influence in a Connected Society.” Business Horizons, 6(6)749-761.

Hsin-Chen Lin, Patrick F. Bruning, Nina D. Cole, Douglas H. Flint, Chanrith Ngin, and Vivien Supangco. (2019). “Exploring Justice Judgment Patterns in Asia: A Four Country Multi-Group Latent Class Analysis.” International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(2), 306-339.

Lovika Soral and Hsin-Chen Lin. (2019). “What Should Canada Export under the CETA? An Examination of the Canada-European Trade Agreement for the Aircraft Sector.” Workplace Review, October, 3-16.

Patrick F. Bruning, Bradley J. Alge, and Hsin-Chen Lin. (2018). “The Embedding Forces of Network Commitment: An Examination of the Psychological Processes Linking Advice Centrality and Susceptibility to Social Influence.” Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 148, 54-69.

Hsin-Chen Lin and Manohar U. Kalwani. (2018). “Culturally Contingent Electronic Word-of-Mouth Signaling and Screening: A Comparative Study of Product Reviews in the United States and Japan.” Journal of International Marketing, 26(2), 80-102.

Hsin-Chen Lin, Patrick F. Bruning, and Hepsi Swarna. (2018). “Using Online Opinion Leaders to Promote the Hedonic and Utilitarian Value of Products and Services.” Business Horizons, 61(3), 431-442.

Hsin-Chen Lin and A. Jane Dunnett. (2018). “An Exploration of Parental Preferences for Child Care Services in Atlantic Canada.” Services Marketing Quarterly, 39(1), 49-63.

Hsin-Chen Lin. (2017). “How Political Candidates’ Use of Facebook Relates to the Election Outcomes.” International Journal of Market Research, 59(1), 77-96.

Hsin-Chen Lin, Hepsi Swarna, and Patrick F. Bruning. (2017). “Taking A Global View on Brand Post Popularity: Six Social Media Brand Post Practices for Global Markets.” Business Horizons, 60(5), 621-633.