Ken Seaman

Senior Teaching Professor (on sabbatical)


Kinesiology, Faculty of

KIN 321

1 506 453 4510

Other titles

Acting Asst Dean Undergraduate

Research interests

  • Exercise Physiology
  • High Performance Strength and Conditioning
  • Chronic Physiological Adaptations to Varying Training Stimuli


Dr. Seaman has a BScKin degree from Dalhousie University, a Master’s degree focused on sport physiology and a PhD in interdisciplinary Studies focused on exercise physiology in chronic illness both from the University of New Brunswick.

Throughout his educational career, Dr. Seaman has work with athletes at all levels of sport ranging from youth sport to NHL and Olympic athletes. Dr. Seaman’s research interests focus on the chronic physiologic adaptations resulting for different training methodologies and tools designed to maximize performance.

Current research projects

  • The effects of manipulating mobility, stability and movement patterns on lifting technique
  • Power vs. Strength loading methodologies for maximizing strength and power
  • Assessment of different energy system development methods for maximizing capacity and performance
  • The development of a novel assessment methodology for the simultaneous assessment of maximal aerobic and anaerobic function