Graham Forbes


Forestry and Environmental Management

Forestry/Geology 219A

1 506 453 4929

Other titles

Assistant Dean, Graduate Studies

Academic interests

  • Wildlife ecology and management
  • Biodiversity
  • Conservation planning

Brief biography

Dr. Graham Forbes completed his BA (Biogeography) at York University, and completed both a Master’s degree and PhD at the University of Waterloo. Graham was hired in 1993 at UNB to coordinate the Greater Fundy Ecosystem Project, a multi-agency research approach to sustainable landscape management focused on forest management and the maintenance of native biodiversity. The resulting guidelines were used as a benchmark for many years by the Department of Natural Resources. In 1997, Graham became Director of both the New Brunswick Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit and the Sir James Dunn Wildlife Research Centre at UNB.

At UNB, Graham quickly established himself as a science and conservation leader, earning the UNB Merit Award for exceptional contributions in teaching and research three times and the NSERC Canada Council Synergy Award for Cooperative Research between Industry and University. A successful academic with a prolific publication record and many notable graduate students, Graham leverages his knowledge to advise the national and provincial governments on a wide range of conservation issues.

His research involves acquiring scientific information for use by resource managers in maintaining wildlife and biodiversity, focusing on mammals, birds, and herpetofauna. He works collaboratively with management agencies such as Parks Canada, provincial departments of natural resources and wildlife, and industry. He is also currently appointed by the Federal Minister of Environment as the Co-Chair of the Terrestrial Mammal Sub-Committee for the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada.

Outside of academia, Graham volunteers his time with the Harvest Jazz and Music Festival and is President of the Fredericton Nature Club. He promotes environmental education in his community and regularly gives talks and nature outings to Girl Guides, Boy Scouts, and school groups.

Graham was nominated for the 2014 Alumni Achievement Award.

Courses taught

  • Biodiversity & Ecosystem Management
  • Mammalogy
  • Wildlife Management
  • Conservation Biology
  • International Ecology Field Course

Selected research

Status Report on Little Brown Myotis, Northern Long-eared Myotis, and Tri-colored Bat in Canada. G. Forbes. Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Government of Canada. 2015.

Mammals of the Atlantic Maritime Ecozone. Forbes, G. D. McAlpine, and F. Scott. 2010. Pgs. 693-718 in Assessment of Species Diversity in the Atlantic Maritime Ecozone. D. McAlpine and I. Smith (eds.). National Research Council, Ottawa. 785 pp.

Forest Management Guidelines to Protect Native Biodiversity in the Greater Fundy Ecosystem. Betts, M. and G. Forbes (editors). 2005. New Brunswick Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit, University of New Brunswick. 110 pp.

Cross-boundary management of Algonquin Park wolves. Forbes, G. and J. Theberge. 1996. Conservation Biology 10:1091-1097.