Janet Blackadar

Associate Teaching Professor


Forestry and Environmental Management

Forestry/Geology 200-A


1 506 458 7504

Academic interests

  • Environmental Impact Assessment
  • Environmental Project Management
  • Environmental Policy


Janet joined the faculty in 2021. She holds a B.Sc. in Biology and a M.Sc.F. from the Faculty of Forestry and Environmental Management at UNB. Prior to joining the faculty, Janet had a 20+ year career in the environmental consulting sector as the Manager or Environmental Sciences for a large publicly traded consulting firm. In that role Janet provided senior technical services in the environmental sciences sector both in Canada and internationally leading many of the major environmental impact assessments conducted in the region for a wide variety of developments.

Janet continues to provide strategic advice to ongoing projects. Prior to her career in the private sector Janet lived and worked in Costa Rica where she was a high school vice-principal and in Guinea, west Africa where she worked in a gold mine. Having come full circle back to teaching, Janet is focused on providing students with a thorough understanding of what and how theory can be applied in a real world setting to help to build critical thinking skills for problem solving in a variety of settings.

Courses taught

  • ENVS 5003/6003 Environmental Management Tools
  • ENR Fall Camp