Kyle Rogers

Assistant Professor

Chemical Engineering

Head Hall E230C

1 506 453 4588

Educational background

  • PhD, 2020, Chemical Engineering, University of New Brunswick
  • BScE, 2014, Chemical Engineering, University of New Brunswick

Research interests

  • Production and upgrading of clean fuels/biofuels
  • Thermochemical processing of biomass materials (e.g., pyrolysis, liquefaction) of biomass materials
  • Catalysis
    • Catalytic upgrading of bio-oil (e.g., hydrotreating)
    • Reforming and water-gas-shift
  • Hydrogen production and conservation
  • Waste-to-energy conversions

My research focuses on developing thermal and catalytic technologies for generating clean fuels such as hydrogen gas and biofuels. At UNB, we are advancing these technologies through bench-scale experiments with higher temperature and pressure reactors. We focus on catalyst development and techno-economic assessments.

Passion fuels my research, driving the exploration of innovative solutions. If you are passionate about clean fuels and catalysts or have ideas to share, I invite you to connect with me at Linked In.