John Valk

Professor (Retired)




Dr. Valk received his PhD in Religious Studies from the University of Toronto. He taught at UNB for 22 years prior to his retirement in 2022. He is also a Visiting Lecturer at the Protestant University Darmstadt. He continues to be active in research and writing, part-time teaching, and advising PhD students.

Dr. Valk has presented academic papers at numerous national and international conferences, and published articles in numerous national and international academic journals.

General areas of academic interests

  • Worldview study
  • Religion
  • Worldviews and education
  • Worldviews and leadership
  • Science and religion

Academic publications


Valk, J. (2021). Worldviews: A Comprehensive Approach to Knowing Self & Others. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.

Valk, J., Albayrak, H., & Selçuk, M. (2017). An Islamic Worldview from Turkey: Religion in a Modern, Democratic and Secular State. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.

Chapters in books

Valk, J. (2025). “Worldview Education in an increasingly post-secular world”, in Palgrave International Handbook of Religion in Public Education. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. Forthcoming.

Valk, J. (2025). “A Worldview Framework for increasingly multicultural and post-secular societies”, in How worldviews are formed. Norway. Forthcoming.

Valk, J. (2023). “A Worldview Approach to Social Justice”, in Court, D., Khair Abbas, R., and Kamal, Z. (Editors). Aspects of Social Justice in an Arab Israeli Teachers’ College: Principles, Practices and Politics. Cambridge Scholars.

Valk, J. (2020). “Interview mit Prof. Dr. John Valk”, in Bartosch, U., C. Meier. T. Weyers, A. Lehna, M. Petermann, M. Scheider (Editors). Laudato si’ im Diskurs: Experten aus Wissenschaft, Politik, Wirtschaft, Kirchen und Zivilgesellschaft treten in den Dialog der päpstlichen Enzyklika ein (Laudato Si in Discourse: Experts from science, politics, business, churches and civil society enter into the dialogue of the papal encyclical).

Valk, J. & Selçuk, M. (2018). “An Islamic Worldview: A Worldview Framework Approach to Religion in a Modern, Secular, Democratic State”, in Astly, J., Francis, L. and Lankshear, D. (Editors). Values, Human Rights and Religious Education: Contested Grounds. Oxford: Peter Lang. Pp. 275-295.

Valk, J. (2017). “Reflections on Interfaith Education”, in Wielzen, J. and Ter Avest, I. InterFaith Education. Rotterdam, NL: Sense Publishers. Pp. 227-242.

Valk, J. and Selçuk, M. (2017). “Journeying into a Peaceful Islam: A Worldview Framework Approach”, in Aslan, E. and Hermansen, M. (Eds.). Religion and Violence: Muslim and Christian Theological and Pedagogical Reflections. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer. Pp. 243-264.

Valk, J. (2017). “Worldview Inclusion in Public Schooling”, in Etherington, M. (Editor). What Teachers Need to Know: Topics of Inclusion. Eugene, OR: Wipf and Stock. Pp. 233-248.

Valk, J. (2015). “Christian Worldview Education in a Public University”, in Kurian, G. & Lamport, M. (Editor) Encyclopedia of Christian Education. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. Pp. 279-280.

Valk, J. (2013). “Knowing Self and Others: Sustaining Ethical Leadership”, in Beauvais, C., Shukla R., David-Blais M. (Editors). Ethical Leadership and Contemporary Challenges: Philosophical Perspectives. Leeuven, BE: Peeters. Pp. 19-42.

Valk, J. (2010). “Worldviews of Today: Teaching for Dialogue and Mutual Understanding”, in Karin Sporre & Jan Mannberg (Editors), Values, Religions and Education in Changing Societies. Dordrecht, NL: Springer. Pp. 103-120.

Valk, J. (2006). “The Concept of Coincidentia Oppositorum in the Thought of Mircea Eliade”, in Bryan Rennie, Mircea Eliade: A Critical Reader. London: Equinox Publishing. Pp. 176-185.

Refereed journal publications

Valk, J. (2026). “Worldview Education: Combating an increasing religious illiteracy in Canada”, British Journal of Religious Education. Special Issue. Forthcoming.

Valk, J., M. Selçuk and S. Miedema. (2020). “Worldview Literacy in the Academy and Beyond: Advancing Mutual Understanding in Diverse Societies”, Religious Education, 115, 3: 364-374.

Valk, J. (2017). “Learning as encounter between self and other”, Religious Education, 112, 4: 334-337.

Gardner, R., Soules, K., & Valk, J. (2017). “The Urgent Need for Teacher Preparation in Religious and Secular Worldview Education”, Religious Education, 112, 3: 242-254.

Valk, J., and Tosun, A. (2016). “Enhancing Religious Education Through Worldview Exploration”, Discourse and Communication for Sustainable Education, 7, 2: 105-117.

Selçuk, M. and Valk, J. (2016). “An Islamic Worldview: Ethics in a Modern, Democratic and Secular State”, Turkish Journal of Bioethics, 3 (Spring) 1: 15-25.

Valk, J. (2012). “Christianity through a Worldview Lens”, Journal of Adult Theological Education, 9, 2: 158-174.

Selçuk, M. and Valk, J. (2012). “Knowing Self & Others: A Worldview Model for Religious Education in Turkey”, Religious Education, 107 (Oct/Dec) 5: 443-454.

Wangmo, T., and Valk, J. (2012). “Under the Influence of Buddhism: The Psychological Wellbeing Indicators of GNH”, Journal of Bhutan Studies, 26 (Summer): 53-81.

Valk, J., Belding, S., Crumpton, A., Harter, N., and Reams, J. (2011). “Worldviews and Leadership: Thinking and Acting the Bigger Pictures”, Journal of Leadership Studies, 5, 2: 54-65.

Valk, J. (2010). “Leadership for Transformation: The Impact of a Christian Worldview”, Journal of Leadership Studies, 4 (December) 3: 83-86.

Valk, J. (2009). “Knowing Self and Others: Worldview Study at Renaissance College”, Journal of Adult Theological Education, 6, 1: 69-80.

Valk, J. (2009). “Religion and the University of New Brunswick”, Fides et Historia, 41, 2: 1-29.

Valk, J. (2009). “Religion or Worldview: Enhancing Dialogue in the Public Square”, Marburg Journal of Religion, 14 (May) 1: 1-16.

Valk, J. (2009). “Stories of our Elders: Exploring Traditional Wolastoq Knowledge and Knowledge Transmission”, Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues: Special Edition, 12: 278-288.

Valk, J. (2007). “A Plural Public School: Religion, Worldviews & Moral Education”, British Journal of Religious Education, 29 (September) 3: 273-285.

Valk, J. (2002). “Religion and Education: A Way Forward?” in Didaskalia: Journal of Providence College and Seminary 14 (Fall) 1:17-38.

Valk, J. (1998). “Teaching about Religion in the Social Studies Curriculum” in Canadian Social Studies 33 (Fall) 1: 17-19.

Valk, J. (1995). "Religion and the Schools: The Case of Utrecht." History of Education Quarterly 35 (Summer) 2:159-177.