Diane McAdam

Alumni Advancement Coordinator

Alumni Office/Associated Alumni

Alumni Memorial Building 109


1 506 453 4904

I hail from Saint John and spent my first amazing year at UNB on that campus. With a transition to the BBA program came a transfer to the Fredericton campus and I’ve been a Frederictonian ever since. Both campuses hold a very special place in my heart. UNB is a just a state of being in our household with my husband and my two oldest daughters all UNB’ers and my youngest daughter is already sporting the swag!

I arrived back at UNB in 2006 and to this day I still experience a sense of pride when I arrive on campus. I am so fortunate to be part of the UNB family in such a way that I can give back each and every day.

As a member of the Alumni Office I am part of a truly amazing team who have continued to build on past accomplishments while creating new and exciting opportunities for engagement of our alumni. I am excited about and absolutely committed to these endeavors.

Through my current position I have met a variety of alumni from all over the world and have had the distinct pleasure of sharing our story with them. This is the essence of my work, to foster connections amongst our alumni and encourage them to give back in support of UNB.  I absolutely love working with our Chapter committees and am passionate about organizing regional events all over the world connecting alumni to the university, the association and each other. 

Please feel free to give me a shout. I love hearing from our alumni and the exciting ideas they have for events and other engagement opportunities.

Pass the word that UNB is doing great things! #OnlyHere

Contact Diane