Physics Seminar Series -FR

Event date(s): March 14, 2023
Time(s): 01:15 PM - 02:15 PM
Category: Fredericton
Location: Fredericton

Event Details:

UNB Physics Department Seminar Series
When: Thursday, March 14, 1:15 p.m.
Location: Toole Hall, Room 3

Speaker: Kamal Shalaby

Title: Introduction to Cold Atoms and Atom Interferometry

Atoms are extremely sensitive to their environment. Any changes in their inertial accelerations and electromagnetic fields become imprinted on them. A quantum sensor is a device that utilizes the quantum behaviour that atoms exhibit to measure changes in the environment. To promote the quantum nature of atoms, they need to be condensed into one coherent cold atom source. Then, they are prepared through different stages to interfere with each other, and based on the interference patterns, we extract the wanted information. This week's seminar will focus on the theory and the stages of cooling and trapping the atoms (Optical Molasses, Magneto-Optical Trap and Evaporative Cooling) just above Bose-Einstein Condensations (BECs) to obtain the cold coherent atom source. Then, we will discuss how to prepare the quantum states of the atoms to cause them to interfere with one another and how to measure the interference to extract the information desired.

Building: Toole Hall

Room Number: 3

Contact: Rebecca Breen
1 506 453 4723