Ocean Tracking Network and ACENET Introduction to Python-FR and SJ

Event date(s): February 21, 2024
Time(s): 01:00 PM - 04:00 PM
Category: Both Campuses
Location: Both Campuses

Event Details:

Join ACENET and Ocean Tracking Network (OTN) in our Introduction to Python workshop series. Over three weeks, we will explore data analysis and visualization with Python, based on the Software Carpentry Lessons. Each week will build off the last – if you miss a week, check out the previous link to follow along!

No previous coding experience necessary.

We will start with basic Python syntax and the Jupyter notebook interface. Then, we’ll teach you how to import CSV files using the Pandas package to manipulate and summarize data frames, and cover a brief introduction to plotting. The last lesson demonstrates how to work with databases directly from Python.


Building: online event

Contact: Serguei Vassiliev