Fall WIPS - Works in Progress Session-FR and SJ

Event Date(s):
December 07, 2022
12:00 PM - 01:00 PM
Both Campuses
Both Campuses

Event Details:

WORKS IN PROGRESS SESSIONS (WIPS) are informal presentations given by Education graduate students, faculty and staff on their ideas and research. We are inviting one person (or group) to present at each WIPS session. This would typically be a 15-20 minute presentation followed by discussion, but other formats are possible and welcome.

FORMAT The WIPS committee has decided to return to in-person sessions for the fall term 2022, with a Zoom link provided for those who prefer to join using that option. Room 337 Marshall d’Avray Hall

These sessions will not be recorded. If you would like to virtually attend, please email Jen Rowett, JEN.ROWETT@UNB.CA for the Zoom link and passcode.

Everyone is welcome!

December 7: Julianne Gerbrandt: A practitioner's guide to educational theory: My journey through the weeds

Organizing Committee: Karla Culligan, kculliga@unb.ca, Jen Rowett, jen.rowett@unb.ca,  & Kate Charette, kate.charette@unb.ca. Please contact us with any questions

Building: MDH rm 337 or via Zoom

Room Number: MDH rm 337


Catherine Foster
1 506 453 4739