2nd Annual Creative Connections Conference at UNB-FR

Event Date(s):
April 03, 2019

Event Details:

The Atlantic Centre for Creativity (ACC) promotes interdisciplinary research and programing in the areas of imagination, creativity and innovation. To provide a means for sharing research, and forming connections and partnerships across the university of New Brunswick and the Atlantic region, it organizes at least one yearly event - open to anyone wishing to learn more about these fields of interest and develop new collaborations and partnerships.

The ACC has been in existence since 2015. In 2016, it hosted the Year of Creativity, offering a series of 26 events including lectures, films, presentations, creativity tours and design thinking workshops, which took place at UNB and throughout the local community. In 2017, the first Creative Connections Conference was organized and from all accounts was a huge success with its highly unique receptions, 48 presentations, workshops, and three national keynote speakers: Dr. Susan Crichton, Director of the Centre for Innovation at UBC; Marjan Eggermont, Visual Artist and Engineer working with Nassau from the University of Calgary; and Nora Young, the CBC host of the exceptional program on innovation and new technologies.

A Creative Connections Symposium, hosted by Acadia University in 2018 inspired important conversations and debates about the meaning and role of creativity in a wide range of disciplines. It was well attended by individuals from across the Atlantic region.

This year’s event – the second Creative Connections Conference being held at UNB should prove to be another exceptional opportunity to share ideas, learn about innovations, and form new connections. One of the keynote speakers this year will be Rankin MacSween, leader of the highly innovative and successful New Dawn Enterprises. “For more than 30 years, Rankin MacSween has led the growth and diversification of New Dawn Enterprises. New Dawn, a private, volunteer-directed social enterprise dedicated to community building, identifies community needs and establishes and operates ventures that speak to those needs.”

To submit a proposal please visit this website. An online delegate registration site will be available later.

Building: Wu Conference Centre - UNB Fredericton campus


Beth A. Wallace
1 506 443-3912