Kundalini Yoga: Body Intelligence and Connectedness | Leisure Learning | UNB Art Centre | UNB

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College of Extended Learning

Kundalini Yoga: Body Intelligence and Connectedness

Learn techniques for deep relaxation and meditation

Kundalini Yoga has been considered the YOGA of AWARENESS since it came to North America in the 1960's. It helps us become more intuitive and aware of ourselves, our thoughts, our motivations, our speech and gives us more of a connected consciousness so that mindfulness in all activities is more possible.

Kundalini Yoga allows us to gently become aware of our family and social conditioning and the subconscious patterns which drive the biases of our perception. It is an ancient "mother" yoga, which effectively moves the prana in the chakras, boosts the immune system, and allows a feeling of connectedness and belonging which is our natural state of being.

In this course, each class includes stretching and holding postures, pranayama breathing techniques, a deep relaxation and a meditation. The meditation is sometimes silent and sometimes mantric.

Course outline

Week 1 | Basic spinal energizer series and heart helper: All the chakras are found along the spine and this series of exercises works to keep this energy moving; It provides gentle movement to strengthen and tone the spinal area and major muscles which help the spine stay in alignment. The strong psycho-electromagnetic energy at the heart is balanced with all the other energies in this kriya.

Week 2 | Kirya for disease resistance: The yogic view of the immune system works to boost the "immune response" of the body rather than work with only one system. The immune response of the body is elicited by improving communication between the digestive, glandular, lymphatic and nervous systems. This works to integrate emotion which may be causing imbalances, and works to help with better absorption so that the body can create the hormones and neurotransmitters needed at any given time. These are ancient time-tested methods of help the body work as a whole.

Week 3 | Kriya for magnetic field and heart centre: This series of exercises and meditations are good for the brain center, increasing communication with all parts of the brain and bringing it into synchronicity with other centers of the body. In the ancient yogic tradition, the heart center was considered as important as the brain in delivering intuitive information and emotional and social awareness.

Week 4 | Kriya for opening the lung area: This kriya works on the upper part of the body to support lots of expansion in the three main parts of the lung area; Improvement of breathing techniques are integral to all yogic practices. Good deep breathing helps to move the lymphatic fluids, keep equilibrium in the flow of cerebral spinal fluid, and gives the organs below the diaphragm a massage which helps with their communication with each other and the rhythm of the flow of their energies.

Week 5 | Kriya for clearing the energy field and deep healing: Clearing and moving the energy in the chakra system brings clarity to the mind in general so we are better able to identify our fears, needs, desires and traumas so that we can bring conscious attention to these and to transform them into usable energy and to rid ourselves of self-sabotage emotional patterns.

Fall term

Wednesdays, Oct. 9 to Nov. 6 (5 weeks)
6 - 7:30 p.m.
$85 (+ HST)

Register now

Winter term

Sundays, March 16 to April 13 (5 weeks)
10:30 a.m. - noon
$85 (+ HST)

Registration opens Oct. 18.

About the instructor

Parmatma Leviton is a KRI-Certified (Kundalini Research Institute) Kundalini Yoga Teacher Trainer who has co-facilitated Teacher Training programs in Ottawa for over ten years and has been teaching Kundalini Yoga for 25 years. She co-facilitated Teacher Training programs at Rama Lotus, Ottawa, and Equilibrium K.Y. Centre in Montreal.

She is an artist and was also a Shiatsu Therapist from 1996-2006. Her training in acupuncture, Cranio-sacral, Touch for Health Kinesiology, Aromatherapy, Waveform Energetics in Scotland, Reiki, and Sat Nam Rasayan has enhanced her understanding of the mind-body connections found in the science of yoga. Her main focus has been Kundalini Yoga since 1996.

She has recently graduated from a three year study of Soul Answer Healing, which works as a healing modality with trauma and releasing emotional programming and is derived from Kundalini Yoga.