Introduction to Oil Painting | Leisure Learning | UNB Art Centre | UNB

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College of Extended Learning

Introduction to Oil Painting

Explore the world of oil painting

This course is designed to give beginners an understanding of oil paints as a medium as well as introduce different techniques and approaches to utilizing it in your own paintings.

Through the course you will gain an understanding behind the history of oil painting, try different exercises, as well as do final projects at the end of classes to put everything we have learned into practice.


  • Package of paintbrushes (various sizes)
  • Five or more canvases of any size (canvas boards, pad of canvas paper, or traditional canvases)
  • Paint (white, crimson, yellow, ultramarine blue, burnt umber). Recommended brands include: Gamblin, Winsor & Newton
  • Palette for mixing paint
  • Water container (reusable)
  • Thinner such as scentless turpentine or gamasol. A well-ventilated space to work in. The thinners contain toxic fumes that shouldn't be breathed in an enclosed space for an extended period of time.
  • An oil like walnut or linseed oil
  • An old cloth to use as a disposable rag
  • Two glass containers with lids
  • Pencil
  • Ruler

Fall term

Mondays, Nov. 25 to Dec. 16 (4 weeks)
6 - 8 p.m.
$139 (+ HST)

Register now

Winter term

Mondays, March 31 to April 29 (4 weeks, no class April 21)
6 - 8 p.m.
$139 (+ HST)

Registration opens Oct. 18.

About the instructor

Ameesha Tirmazi is a versatile artist who holds a BFA from Minneapolis College of Art and Design. In addition to painting and drawing, Ameesha enjoys working in a variety of creative fields such as animation, graphic design and illustration.

With a history of living in different, cities, countries, and continents, Ameesha uses her past experiences as inspiration for her work, recreating the world around her. Ameesha has been freelancing and teaching art classes since university and is currently a gallery assistant at Gallery 78.