French Intermediate Level C: LANG 2006 | Leisure Learning | UNB Art Centre | UNB

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College of Extended Learning

French Intermediate Level C: LANG 2006

Advance your French language skills

Improve your fluency in conversational French and/or work toward achieving the equivalent of the Federal government’s Level C for oral proficiency. To get the full benefit of this class, it is recommended that you complete French Intermediate Level B or have the equivalent knowledge of the language.

French Intermediate Level C expands and improves your French conversational skills developed in the French Intermediate Level B class. While reading and writing skills will be touched upon, you will focus on oral language skills.

For this course, you should be able to:

  • Sustain a conversation on concrete topics
  • Report on actions taken
  • Give straightforward instructions to employees
  • Provide factual descriptions and explanations

According to the Federal government, “Level C is the level of second language oral proficiency for positions that require handling sensitive situations where the understanding and expression of subtle, abstract, or complicated ideas are required or where unfamiliar work-related topics must be dealt with. A person speaking at this level can:

  • Support opinions
  • Understand and express hypothetical and conditional ideas

For more information

No materials are required.

Winter term

Thursdays, Jan. 30 to April 10 (10 weeks, no class March 6)
7:45 - 9:15 p.m. | Instructor: Émilie Maltais
UNB Fredericton
9 MacAulay Lane, Tilley Hall, Room 125
$195 (No HST)

Register now

Summer term

Thursdays, May 8 to July 10 (10 weeks)
7:45 - 9:15 p.m.
UNB Fredericton
9 MacAulay Lane, Tilley Hall, Room 125
$195 (No HST)
Registration opens Feb. 15.

About the instructor

Émilie Maltais is a native French speaker from Saguenay QC. She studied and graduated from UQAC university in 2020 with a degree in French education. She worked in Québec as a French teacher for two years before moving to New-Brunswick.

She is currently teaching French at École Sainte-Anne. Émilie loves teaching French to francophone students as well as French as a second language students.