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Associated Alumni

WCL commemoration

WCL building at UNB Saint John

The WCL was the first academic structure on the Saint John campus, opening in 1969. For many years, it served as a student centre, administration building and a library. For thousands of former students, WCL was not just a building but a special place that holds fond memories of their time on campus. It was where they experienced a true sense of the campus community, from meeting friends in the library to enjoying socials in the cafeteria and Blue Lounge.

With the upcoming demolition of the WCL at UNB Saint John, the UNB Alumni Office commemorates the significant history associated with the building, while looking ahead to the exciting future of the Integrated Health Initiative and the impact it will have on the UNB Saint John campus and community.

WCL memories

WCL Memories

More memories

Written memories from UNB alumni, faculty and staff.

“That building and I, we went through many changes together, romances, marriage, children, new carrels, new shelves, new catalogues, new technologies. We grew up together. I came as a student to the university when the library was first opened and was one of the lucky ones in the early graduating classes of the new Tucker Park campus. My picture is on the wall with the graduating class of ‘75. I courted and married the sweetheart that I met studying in the library. I raised two children while working in that same building. We went from card catalogues to computers, from pen and paper to keyboards and printouts. We signed out books using checkout cards and stamped the date due slips that were stuck into the back of the books. Through it all, the thick and thin, the library and I remained two old friends, completely comfortable together. With a new life looming on the horizon for both of us I feel a bit guilty lusting after the new library. I was there at the beginning and I’m still here at the end.”

“The Ward Chipman Library was a special place for me during my time at UNB. It was not only a place for study and learning, but also a place of meeting with others, exchanging ideas with fellow students, building friendships through group projects, and a quiet place to think and plan for the future. I will miss this building but will always have fond memories of the Ward Chipman Library.”

“I attended the SJ campus for my first three years, and the basement of the WCL was where we all used to congregate to compare notes, share stories, tell jokes, and have some nice drinks and snacks together from "Chippie's." I also have some very fond memories of group study in the private rooms of the library. I salute the campus' progress, but at the same time I will be sad to see this iconic building come down.”

"I attended UNBSJ 1969-1972. The Ward Chipman Library was my favorite building. I didn't spend much time in the lounge, which was mainly a big living room where lots of people played Bridge. I found the cafeteria had better ambience. 

There was also the "listening room" on the top floor of the library. Students today would be astounded by the procedure, though we thought little about it.

One would present to the friendly staffer (like Bill Kerr) either one's own LP or an LP from the library's collection.  In return,  we were given a pair of headphones.  While that person placed the album on one of two turntables on the main floor, we'd hurry upstairs to the listening room which had two "coffee tables", each sporting four headphone sockets with volume control.​

No better environment for enjoying Chicago III!

I went on to UNBF for a while, but I ultimately completed my degree a few years later at UNBSJ."

Do you have photos or memories of your time at UNB and the WCL? We invite you to share them with us by emailing

An exciting future for the Saint John campus

As part of the Integrated Health Initiative, a bold vision for the future growth of the Saint John campus, a new Health and Social Innovation Centre will be built in the place of the WCL building, which will mean the WCL will be taken down.

The Integrated Health Initiative is UNB’s Strategic Vision in action, serving the public good and tackling society’s grand challenges. Through this ambitious initiative, UNB will become the place to which other jurisdictions turn when confronted with seemingly insurmountable health care challenges and social issues.

Construction is set to begin on the new Health and Social Innovation Centre in April.

Integrated Health Initiative

Transforming health education, research and social innovation in New Brunswick and beyond