Student-Alumni Engagement Program

The UNB Associated Alumni Student-Alumni Engagement Fund

Student-Alumni Engagement Fund

SAEF LogoThe Student-Alumni Engagement Fund (SAEF) is a program sponsored by the UNB Associated Alumni and the UNB  Alumni Office. The purpose of SAEF is to support students/student groups seeking to develop joint alumni/student programs and events on campus (Fredericton and Saint John). The UNB Associated Alumni has generously provided funding to this program. Grants totaling up to $5000 will be dispersed annually.

The UNB Associated Alumni

UNB Alumni can, and should, play a strong role in the overall student experience. By investing in our students, the Associated Alumni is playing a role in preparing the students of today become the leaders of tomorrow. They will be our future alumni leaders, future university staff, future council members and future supporters.

In its  strategic plan, the Association has identified the following as goals for its involvement with students:

  • Complement and support the overall student life cycle experience.
  • Support the university’s recruitment and retention initiatives.
  • Create a tangible connection between students and alumni and demonstrate that the UNB alumni community cares for current students and their UNB experience.
  • Recognize student volunteers and student leaders.
  • Enhance relationships with UNB student organizations.

To that end, the Student-Alumni Engagement Fund has been developed to provide a means of supporting initiatives by students and student groups that involve alumni interaction as its primary goal.

What the Program Funds:

The Program funds social, educational, cultural, recreational and sports events and activities that involve alumni and students. Activities involving personal interaction between students and alumni tend to be effective in encouraging ongoing or future involvement of alumni and are therefore favoured.


  • Grants are provided up to a value of $500

Guidelines (aka the fine print):

  • The event/activity for which funding is being requested must be UNB related and involve one of the following topics:
  • Continuing Education
  • Lectures or Professional Events
  • Networking or Social Events
  • Any student organization may request funding, which may be used in some of the following ways:
  • Room reservation fee (for an off-site location)
  • Catering
  • Printing
  • Postage
  • Supplies
  • Honoraria
  • Equipment Rental
  • The UNB Alumni logo should be placed on any printed materials or on any electronic media to indicate that we are a sponsor of the event. The logo should NOT be copied from the web. The UNB Alumni office will gladly email you a high resolution logo, contact
  • Individual students, student groups or organizations may apply.
  • Undergraduate and/or graduate students may apply.
  • Programs must involve alumni interaction as its primary goal.
  • Programs focusing on some topic related to career development will be given preference.

Application Deadlines:

  • No actual deadline exists but you should give yourself a minimum of 4 weeks prior to your event. The Alumni Office will need that time to process your proposal and to ensure that all necessary information is collected before any decision is made.

What the Program Does Not Fund:

The SAEF Program does not fund:

  • purchase of durable goods such as uniforms and equipment
  • attendance at conferences or other similar events
  • events that are political or religious in nature
  • activities/projects that benefit a single individual

Funding Application Requirements:

  • Activity/Event Description: The application should provide an overview of the event including events details and goals for the activity/event. Submit a cover letter with a brief description of your project, explaining clearly how it will benefit UNB students or the UNB community AND how UNB alumni will be involved and connected to students. With this, please list other university offices, organizations or corporations from which you have requested funding, and how much was awarded, if applicable.  Please use the application form at the end of this document and add extra pages to cover other necessary information.
  • Activity/Event Budget: The funding application should include a budget for the activity or event for which funding is sought. An estimate of the number of participants should also be included. Cost per participant will be taken into consideration when making funding decisions.
  • Advertisement of Activity/Event: The funding application should describe how the event will be advertised. Clubs are encouraged to work with the UNB Associated Alumni Office to advertise events and activities to alumni.


  • Applicants will be contacted by the UNB Associated Alumni Office regarding the status of their application.

Special Notes:

  • All proposals must be typewritten.
  • The UNB Associated Alumni has the option of partially funding a request.
  • Long term funding will not be available for any project.
  • Retroactive funding for projects is not allowed.
  • Funds must be spent on the project for which they were requested.
  • Emergency requests will be considered only under extreme circumstances.
  • If the project is canceled, or the funding is not used within a reasonable timeframe, the money will revert to the Alumni Association.
  • The Alumni Association would like to be able to highlight some of the events and groups sponsored, please send a brief summary of the event along with photos and any web links.
  • Only one grant per fiscal year (May 1 to April 30) will be considered per student or student group.
  • Preference will be given to proposals that demonstrate other fund sources have been sought and/or those needing one-time only support.
  • These policies and procedures will be reviewed annually. Your suggestions are welcome.