Dr. Lesley Frank (PhD’13) is working to address the global problem of family and childhood food insecurity while advancing food justice and health equity in Canada
"We have a fragmented information environment. Figuring out how we have more understanding and empathy toward each other is the underpinning to solving the largest challenges we face"
"People fear what they don't understand. Becoming an ally involves listening and learning about how we can make economic reconciliation happen together"
"Newcomers coming into Canada want stability. So the quicker we can help these newcomers get access to what they need, the more likely it is that they stay"
"Universities have a responsibility for innovation, creativity, invention, creating community and the core contribution of giving people the opportunity to be better"
Mi'kmaq professional engineer Tyler Patles (BScE'09) shares his goals as director of technical services for the North Shore Mi'kmaq Tribal Council (NSMTC)
“Our body is an amazing tool. We have a superpower which is adaptability. Our body will adapt to where we are and what we do. We need to use that beautiful tool more”
“Racism creates oppression, but it also creates mystic-like fiery rebels and revolutionaries with the ability to transform evil into optimism, change and humanity.”
“You can’t say you love a place and build cheaply or not care about its history or environment or landscape or culture. If we truly love a place, we have to act like it.”
Chris Ryan (BPhil’05, MEd’18) on the Research Partnerships for Education and Community Engagement (R-PEACE) Group's focus on community engaged education
Dr. Erik Scheme (BScEE'03, MScEE'05, PhD'13) on why flipping Canada's healthcare system on its head by shifting resources from costly treatment to proactive health intervention is critical