Radio UNB | UNB
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100th Anniversary Edition

The Alumni News From Up The Hill| Vol. 15, No. 1 | Spring 1961

Radio UNB

ALUMNI NEWS MAGAZINE | 100th Anniversary Edition

Radio UNB is on the air! Operating through a closed-circuit network, the Radio society provides entertainment at the university level to the students of UNB. Less than two years away from its creation, this organization already promises to become the biggest thing on campus.  

It all began when Barry Yoell chosen by the SRC to attend the first meeting of Canadian Amateur University Broadcasters in Toronto, came back with a big idea. Under his leadership a group of interested students began to gather. Their aim was to acquire a license as a regular broadcasting station; when this hope was squelched by the Department of Transport they decided to try a system like the U.B.C. radio set-up.  

Though membership at one point fell to seven, a constitution was presented and passed in January of 1960 and a $1,000 budget granted. The Senate expressed approval by building the studio shell in the basement of Memorial Hall. The boys themselves bought materials and equipped the studios completely, from flooring and soundproofing to building the console.  

The society was fortunate in receiving wonderful co-operation from CFNB in Fredericton, from the university's public relations director, Dave Pickard, and from many Canadian industrialists. The President of General Electric, Herbert Smith, a UNB graduate of 1932, donated fifty-five speakers and two amplifiers, enough to supply an entire residence. Thanks to help like this, the society was soon working with $4,500 worth of equipment.  

Radio UNB, with more than fifty on the staff, now broadcasts thirty-four hours a week, providing good music, campus and world news and a host of features like Talent Parade. Broadcasters and listeners alike are finding it well worthwhile.  

The dream of eventually becoming a regular radio station still lies far in the future. Meanwhile Radio UNB will continue to extend its broadcast time and coverage by next year with more assistance from interested companies and alumni, every residence on campus will be wired.  

Another hope for years to come is that the Radio Society will form the basis of a Journalism and Radio Broadcasting Faculty at the university. Radio UNB is growing ... and the sky's the limit.


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